Contact form for The Thieves Guild

Help Fix This Site

Do you see an issue

Do you see a problem on our site? Do you see a coding issue? A spelling error? Is some information posted unclearly or incorrectly? We are a small team, each of which has a family and a full time job elsewhere ... so we rely on help from our community. This form will let you submit any issues that you see, so we can fix it quickly.

** Please describe the problem in detail: what page the problem is on, where on the page, what browser/phone you are using, and how you got to that problem ** (i.e. clicked a link, opened a menu, just opened a page). If you just say, "there is a spelling error," then we will not know which of the 1000s of pages have that spelling error. If there is a coding issue, and we can't replicate the issue (following your steps), then it will be difficult for us to solve the issue. If you are noticing a huge issue, then there is a good chance that it isn't on our end (i.e. you can't pull up the site at all). In that case, try (1) checking your internet connection, (2) clearing your browser cache, (3) opening the website in a different browser ... or (4) try restarting your computer.

If you have general comments or suggestions about the website, please visit our contact page. Please do not send us any solicitations.

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