Tavern and Menu Generator

Tavern & Menu Generator

Create Tavern Menus
Below is a randomly generated menu. Customize
Menu Options   Tavern Locale: Grassland, Forest, Ocean / Salt Water   Tavern Quality: Comfortable   |   Food: Meat & Vegetables   |   Show Monsters: Chance of Some

The Stalking Sheep

You approach the quiet stuffy painted Tavern.. On the left side of the building there is a modest stable with a moderate gathering of horses.
        As you open the perfectly smooth tavern door you are welcomed by the smell of strong alcohol and a moderate gathering of patrons. It seems just as stuffy inside as it does from the outside. The room is illuminated by a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and standing behind the polished stone bar is a massive 5'9" human male with an oval face, short, curled, dyed black hair, with a long goatee, blue eyes, and rough, golden skin. He is wearing a muted yellow shirt, and tan pants.
        Between you and the bartender is a host of wooden booths, to the right is a hearth with a roaring flame within, and to the left is a stone staircase.


Bulette Bisque

Bulette bisque with diced grapes served with a piece of yak cheese
- 8 sp -

Baked Hydra

Baked hydra smothered in a tasty anchovy paste
- 8 sp -

Pigeon Thighs

Pigeon thighs served with baked melons and a slab of swiss cheese
- 5 sp -

Stewed Pumpkin

Stewed pumpkin served with puréed potatoes and a tiny wheel of swiss cheese
- 4 sp -

Baked Pigeon

Baked pigeon smothered in a pumpkin sauce
- 3 sp -

Chopped Onions

Chopped onions doused with a rich mayonnaise sauce
- 2 sp -


Tart Honeyberry Cider - 1 sp
Boaring Wereboar Stout - 4 cp
Poking Rapier Pale Ale - 4 cp
Blue Lime Ale - 4 cp
Blind Beholder Beer - 4 cp
Bathtub Brew - 1 cp


Earthy Passionfruit White - 2 sp
Knight's Embrace - 1 sp
Azer Ash Wine - 2 cp


Blue Crab Apple Rum - 6 sp
Eldarin Absinthe - 2 sp
Moon Juice - 4 cp
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Finy Wixx | Human Innkeeper
Finy Wixx is a massive 5'9" human male with an oval face, short, curled, dyed black hair, with a long goatee, blue eyes, and rough, golden skin. He is wearing a muted yellow shirt, and tan pants.
Str: 13 (+1); Dex: 8 (-1); Con: 12 (+1);
Int: 11 (0); Wis: 11 (0); Cha: 12 (+1);
AC: 9; HP: 4
Fist: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2


Kamil Yarrow | Human Server
Kamil Yarrow is an anorexic 5'11" human male with an oval face, very long, curled, brown hair, green eyes, and silky, chocolate skin. He is wearing a dirty red shirt, and baggy tan pants.
Str: 12 (+1); Dex: 9 (-1); Con: 17 (+3);
Int: 9 (-1); Wis: 10 (0); Cha: 10 (0);
AC: 9; HP: 10
Handaxe: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1)


(3-8 Random Patrons)
Ophelia Bourn | Human Leatherworker
Ophelia Bourn is a regular 5'9" human female with an oval face, short, braided, auburn hair, green eyes, and soft, pockmarked, chocolate skin. She is wearing a leather apron over a brown tunic and brown pants.
Str: 12 (+1); Dex: 9 (-1); Con: 11 (0);
Int: 11 (0); Wis: 12 (+1); Cha: 11 (0);
AC: 9; HP: 4
Dagger: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1)
Ielmund Stapleton | Human Knight
Ielmund Stapleton is an athletic 5'11" human male with a square face, cropped, wavy, gray hair, with a medium beard, brown eyes, and smooth, tan skin. He is wearing well-worn chain mail and carrying a club.
Str: 16 (+3); Dex: 11 (0); Con: 16 (+3);
Int: 12 (+1); Wis: 10 (0); Cha: 11 (0);
AC: 16 (chain mail); HP: 5
Club: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3)
Eried Eslinger | Human Tinker
Eried Eslinger is an athletic 4'11" human male with a square face, long, wavy, blond hair, golden eyes, and rough, sunburned, white skin. He is wearing a chain shirt with a large toolbelt and carrying a light hammer.
Str: 12 (+1); Dex: 14 (+2); Con: 9 (-1);
Int: 13 (+1); Wis: 10 (0); Cha: 10 (0);
AC: 15 (a chain shirt); HP: 2
Light hammer: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1)
Leone Stiner | Human Sailor
Leone Stiner is an overweight 4'10" human male with an oval face, short, straight, auburn hair, brown eyes, and soft, white skin. He is wearing a stained brown shirt, and loose grey pantaloons.
Str: 12 (+1); Dex: 8 (-1); Con: 9 (-1);
Int: 10 (0); Wis: 12 (+1); Cha: 8 (-1);
AC: 9; HP: 2
Fist: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2


(40% chance)
Swyne Rowntree | Half-Elf Bard (lev 7)
Swyne Rowntree is a lean 5'9" half-elf male with a square face, long, straight, silver hair, blue eyes, and rough, copper skin. He is wearing a multicolored patchwork outfit.
Str: 11 (0); Dex: 16 (+3); Con: 17 (+3);
Int: 14 (+2); Wis: 11 (0); Cha: 17 (+3);
AC: 13; HP: 46
Dagger: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3)

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