D&D Deities, Gods and Demigods

Deities - Gods & Demigods

Deities - Gods & Demigods
Note: We are currently adding custom images for every deity - but this will take time. We have completed the faerunian deities and are currently working on the Greyhawk deities (along with some major race's deities). Please be patient. There are still TONS of information for all the listed deities.

Rank: I
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Greed
Domains: Dwarf, Evil, Luck, Trade
Worshipers: Dwarves, misers, rogues, shadowdancers
Pantheon: Dwarven
Rank: I
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Sea, storms
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Strength, Water
Worshipers: Sailors, anyone traveling by sea
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Air, weather, avians, rain, fertility, avariels
Domains: Air, Animal, Chaos, Elf, Good, Storm
Worshipers: Bards, druids, elves, rangers, sorcerers, travelers, winged beings
Pantheon: Elven
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Elemental air, movement, speed, flying creatures
Domains: Air, Illusion, Travel
Worshipers: Animal breeders, elemental archons (air), rangers, rogues, sailors
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: D
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Guardianship, faithfulness, dignity, duty
Domains: Community, Good, Law, Protection
Worshipers: Knights, paladins, guardians, teachers, judges, ministers
Pantheon: Greyhawk, Baklunish
Rank: G
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Spring, fertility, planting, birth, defense, wisdom
Domains: Peace, Chaos, Elf, Good, Plant, Renewal
Worshipers: Community elders, druids, elves, farmers, fighters, midwives, mothers
Pantheon: Elven
Rank: L
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: War, conflict, physical prowess, thunder, rain
Domains: Chaos, Good, Strength, Storm, War
Worshipers: Druids, fighters, monks, rangers, soldiers, warriors
Pantheon: Mulhorandi
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Giants, creation, learning, philosophy, fertility
Domains: Magic, Plant, Rune, Sun
Worshipers: Giants
Pantheon: Giant
Rank: L
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Judgment, death
Domains: Grave, Law, Magic, Repose
Worshipers: Guardians, embalmers, necromancers, monks
Pantheon: Pharaonic
Rank: D
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Evil, fire, serpent
Domains: Evil, Fire, Scalykind
Worshipers: Reptilian creatures, evil dragons, crazed cultists, rogues
Pantheon: Pharaonic
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Love, beauty
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Good
Worshipers: Artists, lovers, bards, elves
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Light, prophecy, music, healing
Domains: Light, Life, Good, Healing, Magic, Sun
Worshipers: Bards, elves, wizards, sorcerers, healers, sages, rangers
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: I
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: War, killing, strife
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, War
Worshipers: Fighters, barbarians, half-orcs
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: I
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Hunting, wild beasts, childbirth, dance
Domains: Animal, Good, Plant, Sun
Worshipers: Rangers, druids, elves, halflings, hunters
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: I
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Defense, war, vigilance, halfling warriors, duty, halflings
Domains: Good, Halfling, Law, Protection
Worshipers: Halflings, fighters, paladins, rangers, soldiers, warriors
Pantheon: Halfling
Rank: G
Alignment: LE
Portfolio: Power, domination, tyranny
Domains: Evil
Worshipers: Slavers, tyrants, bureaucrats, lawful evil creatures
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: G
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Wisdom, crafts, civilization, war
Domains: Community, Good, Law, War
Worshipers: Paladins, fighters, monks, rangers, judges, constables
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: L
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Cold, winter
Domains: Air, Evil, Storm, Water
Worshipers: Druids, elemental archons (air or water), frost giants, inhabitants of cold climates, rangers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Wizards, mages, spellcasters, monks
Domains: Arcana, Illusion, Knowledge, Magic, Law, Spell
Worshipers: Philosophers, sages, sorcerers, wizards
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Travel, nature, forest, gnomes
Domains: Animal, Gnome, Good, Plant, Travel
Worshipers: Druids, forest gnomes, rangers, rock gnomes, tricksters
Pantheon: Gnome
Rank: L
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Good dragons, wind
Domains: Air, Good, Luck, Protection
Worshipers: Good dragons, anyone seeking protection from evil dragons
Pantheon: Dragon
Rank: L
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Loyalty, stupidity, brute strength
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Orc, Strength
Worshipers: Barbarians, followers, orcs, physically strong beings, warriors, wrestlers
Pantheon: Orc
Rank: I
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Beauty, light, music, poetry, rebirth
Domains: Good, Healing
Worshipers: Bards, gnomes
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: G
Alignment: LE
Portfolio: Strife, hatred, tyranny, fear
Domains: Order, Evil, Destruction, Hatred, Law, Tyranny, War
Worshipers: Conquerors, evil fighters, evil monks, tyrants, wizards
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Illusions, deception, traps, wards
Domains: Gnome, Good, Illusion, Protection, Trickery
Worshipers: Adventurers, deceivers, gnomes, illusionists, rogues, thieves
Pantheon: Gnome
Rank: L
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Cats, vengeance, protection, punishment
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Protection, Strength
Worshipers: Mothers, defenders, fighters, barbarians, rangers, rogues, elves, half-orcs
Pantheon: Pharaonic
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Nature, rain
Domains: Animal, Creation, Earth, Plant, Water, Weather
Worshipers: Druids, rangers, elves, fairy-folk
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: I
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Safety, honesty, home, healing, the dwarven family, records, marriage, faithfulness, loyalty, oaths
Domains: Peace, Dwarf, Family, Good, Healing, Law, Protection
Worshipers: Children, dwarven defenders, dwarves, fighters, homemakers, husbands, parents, scribes, wives
Pantheon: Dwarven
Rank: L
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Luck, music, protection
Domains: Luck, Protection
Worshipers: Rogues, gamblers, halflings, gnomes, bards, illusionists
Pantheon: Pharaonic
Rank: I
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Random mischief, misfortune, bad luck, accidents
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Fate, Luck, Trickery
Worshipers: Assassins, auspicians, capricious individuals, gamblers, rogues, sadists
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: Q
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Murder, death
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Retribution
Worshipers: Assassins, murderers, compulsive killers, serial killers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Labor, craft
Domains: Forge, Light, Craft
Worshipers: Gnomes, dwarves, humans
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Magic, arcane knowledge, foresight, balance
Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Magic
Worshipers: Wizards, sorcerers, illusionists, philosophers, sages
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: L
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Stealth, thievery, adventuring, halfling rogues
Domains: Halfling, Luck, Travel, Trickery
Worshipers: Adventurers, bards, halflings, risk takers, rogues
Pantheon: Halfling
Rank: I
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Stone, the Underdark, mining, the svirfneblin
Domains: Cavern, Craft, Earth, Gnome
Worshipers: Fighters, gemcutters, hermits, jewelers, illusionists, opponents of drow, svirfneblin
Pantheon: Gnome
Rank: I
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Stars, space, wanderers
Domains: Knowledge, Twilight, Protection, Travel
Worshipers: Astronomers, dimensionalists, planeswalkers, seekers, spelljammers, scholars, travelers
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: G
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Agriculture, plants, farmers, gardeners, summer
Domains: Life, Animal, Earth, Good, Plant, Protection, Renewal
Worshipers: Peasants, indentured servants, druids, farmers, gardeners
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Battle, war, valor, bravory, honor in battle
Domains: Dwarf, Good, Law, Strength, War
Worshipers: Barbarians, dwarven defenders, dwarves, fighters, monks, paladins, strategists, tacticians, warriors
Pantheon: Dwarven
Rank: G
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Elves, magic, arts, crafts, music, war, sun elves, poetry, bards, warriors
Domains: Arcana, Chaos, Elf, Good, Magic, Protection
Worshipers: Elves, half-elves, bards, rangers, archane archers, fighters, warriors, fighters, good leaders, artisans, poets
Pantheon: Elven
Rank: G
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Murder, lies, intrigue, deception, illusion
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Illusion
Worshipers: Power-hungry humans (usually young), former worshipers of Bane, Bhaal and Myrkul
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Friendship, trust, the hearth, hospitality, crafts
Domains: Peace, Family, Good, Halfling, Law
Worshipers: Artisans, cooks, guards, halflings, hosts, innkeepers
Pantheon: Halfling
Rank: D
Alignment: LE
Portfolio: Psionics, conquest, expansion
Domains: Dwarf, Evil, Law, Mentalism
Worshipers: Dwarves, fighters, psionicists, travelers in the Underdark
Pantheon: Dwarven, Duergar
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Oceans, sea elves, creation, knowledge
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Ocean, Water
Worshipers: Druids, elves, fishermen, rangers, sages, sailors
Pantheon: Elven
Rank: L
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Agriculture
Domains: Life, Earth, Plant, Protection
Worshipers: Farmers, druids
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: L
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Glyphs, images, literature, scribes, cartography
Domains: Good, Knowledge, Protection, Rune
Worshipers: Historians, loremasters, sages, scholars, scribes, seekers of enlightenment, students
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Earth, liberation, suffering
Domains: Chaos, Earth, Good, Plant
Worshipers: Dwarves, the oppressed, poor people, farmers, peasants
Pantheon: Core
Rank: D
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Trickery, wit, impudence, pleasure
Domains: Family, Trickery
Worshipers: Giants
Pantheon: Giant
Rank: I
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Mirth, madness, wine, fertility, theater
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Madness
Worshipers: Satyrs, fauns, revelers, rogues, bards
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: L
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Scholarship, invention, discovery
Domains: Chaos, Craft, Dwarf, Good, Knowledge, Rune
Worshipers: Artisans, dwarves, loremasters, runcasters, scholars, tinkers, wizards
Pantheon: Dwarven
Rank: I
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Buried wealth, ores, gems, mining, exploration, shield, dwarves, guardian of the dead
Domains: Cavern, Craft, Dwarf, Earth, Metal, Protection
Worshipers: Dwarves, gemsmiths, metalsmiths, miners
Pantheon: Dwarven
Rank: I
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Forests, woodlands, flora and fauna, fertility
Domains: Good, Plant, Sun
Worshipers: Elves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, rangers, druids, hunters, farmers, woodcutters
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: L
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Song, beauty, dance, swordwork, hunting, moonlight
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Drow, Elf, Good, Moon, Portal
Worshipers: Good-aligned drow, hunters, surface-dwelling elves
Pantheon: Drow
Rank: L
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Quiet places, springs, pools, peace, waterfall
Domains: Peace, Nature, Family, Good, Plant, Protection, Water
Worshipers: Druids, pacifists, rangers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Positive energy, light, prophecy
Domains: Good, Luck, Protection, Sun
Worshipers: Good and neutral mortals
Pantheon: Following the Light
Rank: L
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Vengeance
Domains: Destruction, Evil
Worshipers: Assassins, fighters, rogues, beggars
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Mischief, change, rogues
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Luck, Trickery
Worshipers: Bards, elves, revelers, rogues, sorcerers, tricksters
Pantheon: Elven
Rank: I
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Hate, envy, malice, panic, ugliness, slaughter
Domains: Chaos, Evil, War
Worshipers: Barbarians, fighters, rogues, looters, outlaws
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: L
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Feral elves, outcasts, scapegoats, isolation
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Elf, Plant
Worshipers: Druids, elves, outcasts, rangers, rogues, spies, wild elves
Pantheon: Elven
Rank: I
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Horizons, distance, travel, roads
Domains: Luck, Protection, Travel
Worshipers: Bards, travelers, merchants
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: D
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Cycle of life, transformation of art, saurials
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Renewal, Scalykind
Worshipers: Artists, bards, saurials
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Mining, physical fitness, smithing, metalworking
Domains: Craft, Gnome, Good, Metal
Worshipers: Artisans, fighters, gnomes, miners, smiths
Pantheon: Gnome
Rank: I
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Justice, law
Domains: Protection, Strength
Worshipers: Paladins, judges, attorneys, halflings
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: G
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Agriculture, fertility, harvest, sun
Domains: Air, Good, Plant, Sun
Worshipers: Druids, rangers, farmers, husbands, wives, elves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: I
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Fertility, love, magic, vanity
Domains: Air, Charm, Good, Magic
Worshipers: Bards, sorcerers, wizards, lovers, husbands, wives, elves, gnomes, half-elves
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Birth, fertility, love
Domains: Air, Animal, Community
Worshipers: Druids, lovers, diviners, husbands, wives, halflings
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: L
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Vigilance, combat, martial defense
Domains: Peace, Gnome, Good, Law, Protection
Worshipers: Administrators, fighters, judges, monks, paladins, soldiers, warriors
Pantheon: Gnome
Rank: D
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: War, skill-at-arms, destruction, plunder
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Strength
Worshipers: Barbarians, fighters, warriors, rangers, soldiers, spies
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: D
Alignment: LE
Portfolio: Betrayal, cruelty, political corruption, powerbrokers
Domains: Charm, Evil, Law
Worshipers: Corrupt leaders, corrupt politicians, sorcerers, traitors
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: G
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Gnomes, humor, trickery, wit, illusion, gem cutting, jewelry making, protection
Domains: Trickery, Craft, Gnome, Good, Law, Protection
Worshipers: Adventurers, bards, defending soldiers, rogues, gnomes, illusionists, jewelers, gemcutters, smiths, practical jokers
Pantheon: Gnome
Rank: L
Alignment: N
Portfolio: The earth, miners, mines, mineral, resources
Domains: Cavern, Craft, Earth, Protection
Worshipers: Elemental archons (earth), fighters, miners, smiths
Pantheon: Mulhorandi
Rank: L
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Oozes, slimes, jellies, outcasts, ropers, rebels
Domains: Cavern, Chaos, Drow, Evil, Hatred, Slime
Worshipers: Aboleths, drow, fighters, oozes, outcasts, ropers
Pantheon: Drow
Rank: I
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Artifice, craft, construction, smithwork
Domains: Forge, Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal, Planning
Worshipers: Blacksmith, crafters, engineers, gnomes, inventors, lantanese, woodworkers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Guardian of all dwarves, defense, watchfulness
Domains: Dwarf, Good, Law, Protection
Worshipers: Dwarven defenders, dwarves, fighters
Pantheon: Dwarven
Rank: I
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Hunting, combat, hill giants
Domains: Chaos, Death, Earth, Evil, Hatred
Worshipers: Hill giants
Pantheon: Giant
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Elemental earth, solidity, changelessness, oaths
Domains: Cavern, Earth, Metal, Time
Worshipers: Elemental archons (earth), fighters, monks, rangers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: G
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Orcs, conquest, survival, strength, territory
Domains: Cavern, Chaos, Evil, Hatred, Orc, Strength, War
Worshipers: Fighters, orcs
Pantheon: Orc
Rank: D
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Tracking, rangers of the North
Domains: Animal, Good, Plant, Travel
Worshipers: Druids, rangers, troll hunters
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: G
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Death, underworld, earth, wealth
Domains: Death, Grave, Earth, Evil
Worshipers: Necromancers, assassins, rogues, murderers, dwarves
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: D
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Luck in battle, joy of battle, dwarven fighters
Domains: Chaos, Dwarf, Good, Luck
Worshipers: Barbarians, dwarves, fighters
Pantheon: Dwarven
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Love, romance, beauty, enchantment, magic, item artistry, fine art, artists
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Elf, Good, Magic, Protection
Worshipers: Aesthetes, artists, enchanters, lovers, sorcerers, bards
Pantheon: Elven
Rank: L
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Alcohol, brewing, festivals, song
Domains: Trickery, War
Worshipers: Brewers, barbarians, berserkers, cooks, drunks, gluttons
Pantheon: Dwarven
Rank: L
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Love, music, dance, moon, fate, motherhood
Domains: Life, Community, Family, Fate, Good, Luck, Moon
Worshipers: Artists, musicians, mothers, lovers, bards, gnomes, halflings
Pantheon: Pharaonic, Mulhorandi
Rank: I
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Moon, magic, abundance, undead
Domains: Arcana, Creation, Evil, Magic
Worshipers: Wizards, sorcerers, assassins, hunters, rogues
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: I
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Watchfulness, sight, hearing, loyalty
Domains: Good, Law
Worshipers: Fighters, paladins, sentries, guards, dwarves
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: I
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Valor, chivalry, justice, honor, war, daring
Domains: Good, Law, War
Worshipers: Paladins, fighters, monks, judges, constables
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: I
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Death, underworld
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil
Worshipers: All who fear death
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: I
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Guardians, protectors, protection
Domains: Light, Twilight, Law, Planning, Protection, Strength
Worshipers: Explorers, fighters, guards, mercenaries, paladins
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Smithing, crafts
Domains: Forge, Knowledge, Community, Earth, Fire, Good
Worshipers: Dwarves, gnomes, artisans, fighters
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Marriage, women, intrigue
Domains: Community, Nobility, Protection
Worshipers: Women, wives, spies, planners
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: D
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Strength, adventure
Domains: Chaos, Luck, Strength
Worshipers: Fighters, athletes
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Travel, trade, theft, gambling, running
Domains: Chaos, Good, Luck, Travel
Worshipers: Rogues, illusionists, travelers, merchants, athletes, gnomes
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: D
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Luck, communication, freedom
Domains: Chaos, Luck, Travel
Worshipers: Bards, messengers, heralds, travelers, elves, halflings, half-elves
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: L
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Home, hearth, family
Domains: Life, Community, Good, Protection
Worshipers: Commoners
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: I
Alignment: LE
Portfolio: Tyranny, war, discord, massacres, conflict, fitness
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Law, War
Worshipers: Fighters, monks, conquerors, tyrants
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Nature, agriculture, hunting, females, children
Domains: Animal, Family, Good, Moon, Plant, Sun
Worshipers: Giants, wood giants, firbolg, voadkyn
Pantheon: Giant
Rank: D
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Revenge, retribution, poetic justice
Domains: Fate, Travel
Worshipers: Assassins, fighters, rogues, seekers of retribution
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: G
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: The sun, vengeance, rulership, kings, life
Domains: Good, Law, Nobility, Retribution, Sun
Worshipers: Administrators, judges, nobles, paladins
Pantheon: Mulhorandi
Rank: L
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Love, forgiveness, beauty, mercy
Domains: Good, Strength, Sun
Worshipers: Giants
Pantheon: Giant
Rank: I
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Endurance, suffering, martyrdom, perseverance
Domains: Life, Twilight, Good, Law, Strength, Suffering
Worshipers: The lame, oppressed, poor, monks, paladins, serfs, slaves
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: War, combat, overwhelming numbers, strategy
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Orc, Planning, War
Worshipers: Barbarians, fighters, orcs
Pantheon: Orc
Rank: D
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Crafts, medicine
Domains: Healing, Knowledge
Worshipers: Scientists, architects, physicians, gnomes
Pantheon: Pharaonic
Rank: G
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Disasters, drought, famine, nightmares, plagues, sickness
Domains: Death
Worshipers: Cultists, the paranoid, the mad, half-orcs, orcs, hobgoblins, other evil creatures
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: I
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Weather, rivers, agriculture, love, marriage, good magic
Domains: Arcana, Family, Good, Magic, Storm, Water
Worshipers: Arcane spellcasters, druids, lovers, mothers
Pantheon: Pharaonic, Mulhorandi
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Elemental water, purification
Domains: Destruction, Ocean, Storm, Travel, Water
Worshipers: Bards, elemental archons (water), sailors, travelers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Fate, destiny, divination, predestination, future, honesty
Domains: Chaos, Fate, Law, Luck
Worshipers: Cynical, unfeeling people; those interested in metaphysics and divination
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: D
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Deceit, evil, oppression, pain, wickedness
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Mind, Suffering, Tyranny
Worshipers: Bandits, Barbarians, Inhabitants of The Empire of Iuz, orcs
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: D
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Fatalism, proper burial, guardian of tombs
Domains: Fate, Law, Repose, Rune, Suffering
Worshipers: Monks, necromancers, paladins
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Deformity, hatred, beasts
Domains: Animal, Cold, Evil, Madness, Strength
Worshipers: Fomorians, verbeeg
Pantheon: Giant
Rank: G
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Death, the dead
Domains: Grave, Fate, Law, Protection, Repose, Travel
Worshipers: The dying, families of the dying, grave diggers, hunters of the undead, morticians, mourners
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: D
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Undead, vengeance
Domains: Chaos, Drow, Evil, Retribution, Undeath
Worshipers: Drow, necromancers, undead
Pantheon: Drow
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Strength, athletics, sports, brawling, courage
Domains: Tempest, Chaos, Good, Luck, Strength
Worshipers: Barbarians, fighters, rogues, athletes
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Elemental fire, purification through fire
Domains: Destruction, Fire, Renewal, Suffering
Worshipers: Druids, elemental archons, fire creatures, Thayans
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: LE
Portfolio: Kobolds, trapmaking, mining, war
Domains: Evil, Law, Luck
Worshipers: Kobolds
Pantheon: Core
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Time, longevity, the moment of choice, history
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Time
Worshipers: Bards, divine disciples, elves, loremasters, scholars, teachers
Pantheon: Elven
Rank: I
Alignment: LE
Portfolio: Magic weapon creation, artisan, magic, gray dwarves
Domains: Craft, Dwarf, Evil, Law, Magic, Metal, Protection
Worshipers: Dwarves, fighters, loremasters, soldiers
Pantheon: Dwarven, Duergar
Rank: G
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Athletics, birth, creativity, dawn, renewal, self-perfection, spring, vitality, youth
Domains: Life, Light, Good, Nobility, Protection, Renewal, Strength, Sun
Worshipers: Aristocrats, artists, athletics, merchants, monks, the young
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Time, tedium, patience, study
Domains: Law, Protection
Worshipers: Sages, village elders, record keepers
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: L
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Joy, happiness, dance, festivals, freedom, liberty
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Family, Good, Travel
Worshipers: Bards, dancers, entertainers, poets, revelers, singers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: G
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Thieves, trickery, murder
Domains: Trickery, Chaos, Destruction, Evil
Worshipers: Rogues, assassins
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: I
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Drow, spiders, evil, darkness, assassins, chaos
Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Drow, Evil, Spider
Worshipers: Drow, depraved elves, sentient spiders
Pantheon: Drow
Rank: L
Alignment: LE
Portfolio: Pain, hurt, agony, torment, suffering, torture
Domains: Evil, Law, Retribution, Strength, Suffering
Worshipers: Beguilers, torturers, evil warriors, the depraved
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: D
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Talking beasts, intelligent non-humanoid creatures
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Good
Worshipers: Druids, entertainers, outcasts, rangers, travelers, unicorn riders
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Caves, orc females, home, wisdom, fertility, healing, servitude
Domains: Cavern, Earth, Evil, Family
Worshipers: Monks, orc females, runecasters
Pantheon: Orc
Rank: L
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Music, knowledge, daylight
Domains: Good, Knowledge, Sun, Travel
Worshipers: Musicians, bards, sages, feminists, teachers, midwives
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: L
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Bloodlust, evil lycanthropes, hunters, marauding beasts and monsters, stalking
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Evil, Moon, Strength
Worshipers: Hunters, evil lycanthropes, sentient carnivores, rangers, druids
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Guides, explorers, expatriates, travelers, lightning
Domains: Dwarf, Good, Protection, Travel
Worshipers: Dwarves, fighters, rangers, travelers
Pantheon: Dwarven
Rank: L
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Shadows, thievery, thieves
Domains: Darkness, Evil, Luck, Trickery
Worshipers: Assassins, beggars, criminals, rogues, shades, shadowdancers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: D
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Protection, justice, valor
Domains: Good, Law, Protection
Worshipers: Paladins, judges, protectors
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: I
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Pride, mental prowess, control
Domains: Death, Evil, Mentalism, Rune
Worshipers: Giants, evil cloud giants
Pantheon: Giant
Rank: I
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Autumn, dryads, forest creatures, forests, rangers
Domains: Animal, Good, Plant, Travel
Worshipers: Druids, fey, creatures, foresters, rangers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Poetry, song, eloquence
Domains: Charm, Good, Nobility
Worshipers: Adventurers, bards, entertainers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: G
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Dwarves, creation, smithing, engineering, metalcraft, stonework, war
Domains: Forge, Knowledge, Craft, Dwarf, Earth, Good, Law, Protection
Worshipers: Dwarves, metalworkers, dwarven defenders, engineers, fighters, miners, smiths
Pantheon: Dwarven
Rank: Q
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Death, decay, old age, exhaustion, dusk, autumn
Domains: Death
Worshipers: Evil mages and cultists, necromancers, undertakers, and powerful undead
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: G
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Magic, spells, the Weave
Domains: Arcana, Good, Illusion, Knowledge, Magic, Rune, Spell
Worshipers: Elves, half-elves, incantatrixes, mystic wanderers, sorcerers, spelldancers, spellcasters, spellfire channelers, wizards
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Wealth, trade, protector of children, protector of the dead
Domains: Chaos, Good, Protection, Trade
Worshipers: Merchants, money-changers, tax collectors, rogues
Pantheon: Mulhorandi, Pharaonic
Rank: G
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Death, darkness, murder, underworld
Domains: Death, Evil
Worshipers: Necromancers, assassins, rogues, murderers
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: D
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Victory
Domains: Law, Nobility, War
Worshipers: Fighters, athletes, monks
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: I
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Commerce, sea, wind
Domains: Air, Good, Water
Worshipers: Sailors, fishermen, those who depend on the sea for a living
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: D
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Royalty, lions, feline beasts, good beasts
Domains: Animal, Good, Law, Nobility
Worshipers: Druids, fighters, leaders, paladins, rangers, soldiers, teachers, wemics
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Gambling, luck, risks
Domains: Luck, Chaos
Worshipers: Thieves, rogues, gamblers, swindlers, assassins, those that need luck
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: I
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Nature, woodlands, freedom, hunting, beasts
Domains: Nature, Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water
Worshipers: Barbarians, rangers, druids, hunters
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: G
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Knowledge, magic, supreme, war
Domains: Air, Knowledge, Magic, Travel
Worshipers: Bards, fighters, sorcerers, wizards, philosophers, sages, nobility, gnomes
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: D
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Light, sun, travel
Domains: Chaos, Fire, Sun
Worshipers: Barbarians, druids, rangers, blacksmiths, and those who travel overland
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Bard, inspiration, invention, knowledge
Domains: Charm, Knowledge, Luck, Travel
Worshipers: Artists, bards, cartographers, inventors, lore masters, sages, scholars, scribes, wizards
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Rogues, music, revelry, wine, humor, tricks
Domains: Trickery, Chaos, Luck
Worshipers: Rogues, bards, actors, vintners
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: I
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Vegetation, death, the dead, justice, harvest
Domains: Grave, Good, Law, Plant, Repose, Retribution
Worshipers: Attorneys, druids, embalmers, judges, paladins, rangers, seekers of rightful vengeance
Pantheon: Mulhorandi, Pharaonic
Rank: D
Portfolio: Motherhood, fertility, family
Domains: No domain, dead
Worshipers: Giants, giant-kin, ogres
Pantheon: Giant
Rank: L
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Nature, passion, shepherds, mountains
Domains: Nature, Animal, Chaos, Plant
Worshipers: Fey, satyrs, centaurs, nymphs, shepherds, barbarians, druids
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: G
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Sun, light, strength, healing
Domains: Grave, Life, Good, Healing, Strength, Sun
Worshipers: Commoners, healers, bards, rangers, druids
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: I
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Light, resolution, law, order, inflexibility, sun, moons
Domains: Light, Law, Order, Sun, Moon
Worshipers: Arbiters, judges, lawyers, people of the Theocracy of the Pale and Grand Theocracy of Dimre
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: G
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Sea, rivers, earthquakes
Domains: Chaos, Earth, Water
Worshipers: Sailors, fishers, coast dwellers, druids, fighters
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: I
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Seas, sea life, salt, sea weather, navigation
Domains: Water, Weather, Storm, Travel, Luck, Animal, Chaos
Worshipers: Sailors, fishermen, pirates
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: I
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Crafts, knowledge, secrets, travel
Domains: Creation, Knowledge, Law, Travel
Worshipers: Artists, artisans, travelers, dwarves, monks
Pantheon: Pharaonic
Rank: L
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Assassins, fire, poison, murder
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Fire
Worshipers: Assassins, pyromaniacs, people of the Scarlet Brotherhood, jermlaine, firenewts, grimlocks.
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: I
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Chance, ill luck, misfortune, insanity
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Luck
Worshipers: Gamblers, the insane, risk-takers, Xaositects, bandits
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: G
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Peace, reason, serenity
Domains: Peace, Community, Glory, Good, Law, Mind
Worshipers: Diplomats, advisors, pacifists
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: D
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Xvarts, rats, wererats, bats
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Evil
Worshipers: Xvarts, wererats, werebats
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: G
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Nobility, sun, supreme, vengeance
Domains: Light, Life, Glory, Good, Law, Nobility, Sun
Worshipers: Rulers, viziers, fighters, paladins, monks
Pantheon: Pharaonic
Rank: D
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Strategy, planning, tactics
Domains: Law, Nobility, Planning, War
Worshipers: Fighters, gamesters, monks, strategists, tacticians
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Woodlands, nature, wild elves, druids
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Plant, Protection
Worshipers: Druids, rangers, wild elves
Pantheon: Elven
Rank: D
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Chance, good luck, skill
Domains: Luck, Skill
Worshipers: Gamblers, thieves, cheaters, adventurers
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: D
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Divination, fate, truth
Domains: Fate, Magic, Spell
Worshipers: Diviners, judges, monks, seekers of truth, spellcasters
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: D
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: River hazards, crocodiles, werecrocodiles, wetlands
Domains: Animal, Evil, Scalykind, Water
Worshipers: Druids, inhabitants of crocodile-infested areas, rangers, werecrocodiles
Pantheon: Mulhorandi
Rank: I
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Earth, nature, the dead
Domains: Cavern, Earth, Good
Worshipers: Druids, elemental archons (earth), fighters, gnomes, illusionists, merchants, miners
Pantheon: Gnome
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Mysticism, dreams, death, journeys, transcendence, the moon, the stars, the heavens, moon elves
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Illusion, Moon, Travel
Worshipers: Diviners, elves, half-elves, illusionists, opponents of the undead
Pantheon: Elven
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Good lycanthropes, neutral lycanthropes, moon, navigation, questers, stars, wanderers
Domains: Twilight, Chaos, Good, Moon, Protection, Travel
Worshipers: Female spellcasters, good lycanthropes, neutral lycanthropes, navigators, monks, sailors
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: D
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Drow warriors
Domains: Chaos, Drow, Evil, Spider
Worshipers: Barbarians, drow, fighters, those who like to kill, warriors
Pantheon: Drow
Rank: G
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Air, darkness, desert storms, drought, evil, hatred, night, scalykind
Domains: Air, Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Evil, Scalykind, Strength
Worshipers: Evil creatures, rogues, assassins, blackguards, necromancers
Pantheon: Mulhorandi, Pharaonic
Rank: G
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Caverns, dark, dungeons, forgetfulness, loss, night, secrets, the Underdark
Domains: Cavern, Darkness, Evil
Worshipers: Anarchists, assassins, avengers, monks, nihilists, rogues, shadow adepts, shadowdancers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: D
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Hedonism, sensual fulfillment, festhalls, cats
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Good, Travel
Worshipers: Bards, hedonists, sensualists
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Night, thieves, stealth, darkness, the Underdark
Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Orc
Worshipers: Orcs, assassins, thieves
Pantheon: Orc
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Healing, mercy, romantic love, fertility, dancing, courtship, the moon
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Dwarf, Good, Healing, Moon
Worshipers: Bards, dancers, dwarves, healers, lovers
Pantheon: Dwarven
Rank: L
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Travel, exploration, portals, miners, caravans
Domains: Air, Chaos, Portal, Protection, Trade, Travel
Worshipers: Explorers, caravaneers, rangers, portal-walkers, planewalkers, half-elves
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Nature, agriculture, weather, song, dance, beauty, romantic love
Domains: Air, Charm, Halfling, Plant
Worshipers: Bards, druids, farmers, gardeners, halflings, rangers
Pantheon: Halfling
Rank: D
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Hatred of the drow, vengeance, crusades, loss, arcane archers, archers, elves, fighters, hunters, rangers, soldiers, sorcerers
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Retribution
Worshipers: Arcane archers, archers, elves, fighters, hunters, rangers, soldiers, sorcerers
Pantheon: Elven
Rank: D
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Woodland glades, woodland fertility, growth, the High Forest, Neverwinter Wood
Domains: Animal, Good, Plant, Renewal
Worshipers: Druids, farmers, foresters, gardeners, nuptial, couples
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: D
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Nobles rightful rule of nobility, human royalty
Domains: Law, Nobility, Planning
Worshipers: Leaders, loremasters, nobles, those with inherited wealth or status
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: War, dueling
Domains: Chaos, Good
Worshipers: Barbarians, fighters, paladins, rangers, combat instructors
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Wild nature, druids
Domains: Nature, Animal, Plant, Protection, Renewal, Water
Worshipers: Druids, woodsmen, wood elves
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Earth, mountains
Domains: Destruction, Earth, Strength
Worshipers: Barbarians, druids, rangers, dwarves, halflings
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: I
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Stone giants, earth, buried things
Domains: Cavern, Earth, Protection, Temperance
Worshipers: Stone giants
Pantheon: Giant
Rank: D
Alignment: LE
Portfolio: Water, river hazards, crocodiles, wetlands
Domains: Animal, Evil, Water
Worshipers: Sailors, reptilian creatures, assassins, monks
Pantheon: Pharaonic
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Archery, hunting, wilderness, survival
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Plant
Worshipers: Arcane archers, archers, druids, elves, rangers
Pantheon: Elven
Rank: I
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Retribution, common sense, wisdom, zeal, honesty, truth, discipline
Domains: Destruction, Law, Protection, Strength
Worshipers: Fighters, monks, judges, constables
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: G
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Sun, sky, weather, seas, joy
Domains: Air, Good, Protection, Sun, Weather, Sky
Worshipers: Cloud giants, storm giants
Pantheon: Giant
Rank: G
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Beauty, love, passion
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Good, Protection
Worshipers: Lovers, artists, half-elves, adventurers, bards
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: LE
Portfolio: Fire, war
Domains: Evil, Fire, Law, Strength
Worshipers: Fire giants, giants
Pantheon: Giant, Asgardian
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Creation, life
Domains: Air, Chaos, Earth, Good, Law, Magic, Protection, Sun
Worshipers: All, everyone
Pantheon: Faith of the Sun
Rank: L
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Disease, poison
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Suffering
Worshipers: Assassins, druids, healers, rogues, those suffering from disease and illness
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: G
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Storms, destruction, rebellion, conflagration, earthquakes, vortices
Domains: Tempest, Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Storm
Worshipers: Those who fear the destructive power of nature, barbarians, fighters, druids, half-orcs
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Winter, cold, the north wind
Domains: Air, Chaos, Storm, Strength
Worshipers: Barbarians, farmers
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: War, battle, warriors
Domains: Chaos, Protection, Strength, War
Worshipers: Warriors, fighters, barbarians, gladiators, rangers, half-orcs
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Wild dwarves, jungle survival, hunting
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Dwarf, Good, Plant
Worshipers: Druids, inhabitants of jungles, rangers, wild dwarves
Pantheon: Dwarven
Rank: I
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Insanity, entropy
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Madness
Worshipers: Evil madmen, psychopaths, destructors
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: G
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Storms, thunder, war
Domains: Tempest, Chaos, Good, Protection, Strength
Worshipers: Barbarians, fighters, paladins, rangers, farmers, dwarves, half-orcs
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: I
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Neutral magic, scribes, knowledge, learning, invention, secrets, wisdom
Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Rune, Spell
Worshipers: Loremasters, scribes, those who craft magic items, scholars, sages, wizards, sorcerers, bards, gnomes
Pantheon: Mulhorandi, Pharaonic
Rank: L
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Frost giants, strength, cold, ice, war
Domains: Chaos, Cold, Destruction, Earth, Evil, Strength
Worshipers: Frost giants
Pantheon: Giant, Asgardian
Rank: L
Alignment: LE
Portfolio: Evil dragons, evil reptiles, greed, conquest
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Law, Tyranny, Scalykind
Worshipers: Evil dragons, chromatic dragons, Cult of the Dragon, evil reptiles, fighters, sorcerers, thieves, vandals, conquerors
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Negative energy, darkness, destruction
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Strength
Worshipers: Undead, evil and neutral mortals, monsters
Pantheon: Following the Light
Rank: L
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Duty, loyalty, honor, obedience, paladins
Domains: Good, Law, Protection, Strength, War
Worshipers: Paladins, heroes, good fighters, good warriors, guardians, knights, loyal courtiers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Individuality, liberty, retribution, self-defense
Domains: Chaos, Good, Protection, Strength
Worshipers: The oppressed, enslaved, rebels, peasants
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: L
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Luck
Domains: Luck, Protection, Travel
Worshipers: Those wishing luck, halflings, rogues
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: I
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Good fortune, skill, victory, adventurers
Domains: Trickery, Chaos, Good, Luck, Protection, Travel
Worshipers: Rogues, gamblers, adventurers, Harpers, lightfoot halflings
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Courage, trust, strategy, tactics, writing
Domains: Law, Protection
Worshipers: Fighters, monks, paladins, rangers, sages, dwarves
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: G
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Justice
Domains: Order, Good, Law, Retribution
Worshipers: Paladins, judges, magistrates, lawyers, police, the oppressed
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: G
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Creation, jungles, Chult, the Chultans, dinosaurs
Domains: Planning, Plant, Protection, Scalykind
Worshipers: Adepts, chultans, druids, inhabitants of jungles, rangers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Hills, mountains, gemstones
Domains: Earth, Good, Law
Worshipers: Miners, mountain dwellers, hill dwellers, dwarves, gnomes,
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: L
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Archers, hunting, winter
Domains: Chaos, Protection, Travel
Worshipers: Barbarians, druids, rangers, archers, elves, halflings, half-elves, half-orcs
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: D
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Glaciers, polar environments, arctic dwellers
Domains: Animal, Law, Ocean, Protection, Strength
Worshipers: Arctic dwellers, druids, historians, leaders, teachers, rangers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Oceans, currents, waves, sea winds
Domains: Tempest, Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Ocean, Storm, Water
Worshipers: Sailors, weresharks, sentient sea creatures, coastal dwellers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Greed, bloodlust, evil, hatred, uncontrolled impulse, spriggans
Domains: Chaos, Earth, Evil, Gnome, Hatred
Worshipers: Assassins, blackguards, gnomes, rogues, spriggans
Pantheon: Gnome
Rank: D
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Earth, death, protection from the dead
Domains: Earth, Halfling, Law, Protection, Repose
Worshipers: Genealogists, grave differs, halflings
Pantheon: Halfling
Rank: L
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Uthgardt barbarian tribes, physical strength
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Retribution, Strength
Worshipers: The Uthgardt tribes, barbarians
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: D
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Sailors, ships, favorable winds, naval combat
Domains: Air, Chaos, Good, Ocean, Protection
Worshipers: Fighters, rogues, sailors
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: L
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Northern barbarians, cold, winter, arctic beasts
Domains: Air, Animal, Chaos, Storm, Strength
Worshipers: Northern barbarians
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: L
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Secrets, intrigue
Domains: Arcana, Death, Evil, Knowledge, Magic
Worshipers: Wizards, sorcerers, conspirators
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: D
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Necromancy, necromancers, liches, undeath
Domains: Magic, Undeath
Worshipers: Liches, necromancers, seekers of immortality through undeath, Cult of the Dragon
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Wealth, luck, chance, nonevil, thieves, suspicion, trickery, negotiation, sly cleverness
Domains: Dwarf, Luck, Trade
Worshipers: Dwarves, merchants, traders, rogues, wealthy individuals, rich
Pantheon: Dwarven
Rank: L
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Thievery, drow males, evil activity on the surface
Domains: Chaos, Drow, Evil, Travel
Worshipers: Assassins, male drow, half-drow, poisoners, shadowdancers, rogues, thieves
Pantheon: Drow
Rank: D
Alignment: LE
Portfolio: Amphibians, bigotry, self-deception
Domains: Animal, Law
Worshipers: Racist humans, bullywugs, grung and other evil amphibious creatures
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: L
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Trade, money, wealth
Domains: Balance, Envy, Pride, Protection, Sloth, Travel, Trade
Worshipers: Shopkeepers, merchants, guides, peddlers, moneychangers, smugglers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Death, magic, vanity, law
Domains: Arcana, Grave, Death, Order, Law, Magic
Worshipers: Necromancers, wizards
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: L
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Twilight, shadows, stealth, mastery of mind over matter
Domains: Twilight
Worshipers: Monks, martial artists, rogues, thieves, young lovers
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: L
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Sea, sailing, money, business
Domains: Animal, Water
Worshipers: Sailors, merchants, coastal inhabitants, druids
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: G
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Protection, bounty, halflings, children, security, leadership, wisdom, creation, family, tradition
Domains: Twilight, Family, Good, Halfling, Law, Protection
Worshipers: Children, halflings, leaders, paladins, parents
Pantheon: Halfling
Rank: L
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Death, disease
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Orc, Suffering
Worshipers: Assassins, monks, orcs
Pantheon: Orc
Rank: D
Alignment: CN
Portfolio: Humor, eccentricity, occult lore, unpredictability
Domains: Chaos, Magic, Rune, Spell
Worshipers: Wizards, mages, eccentric spellcasters
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: G
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Sky, air, storms, fate, nobility
Domains: Air, Tempest, Chaos, Good, Nobility, Strength
Worshipers: Everyone, barbarians, rangers
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: I
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Power, prestige, money, business, influence
Domains: Law, Mind
Worshipers: Merchants, traders, business owners, money changers, politicians, diplomats, nobles
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: D
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Monks, mental powers, physical and mental mastery
Domains: Mind, Strength
Worshipers: Monks, martial artists, rogues, thieves, young lovers
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Ranks: Greater[G], Intermediate[I], Lesser[L], Demigod[D]
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