D&D Trinkets d1200 Table
D&D Generators

Trinkets (d1200)

An obsidian dagger that reflects shadow as a monochrome rainbow.
Random Roll: d1200 (1d12 x 1d100) = 322
Trinkets are fun little items that add to a player's backstory, or are interesting items that players find along their journey. If your DM allows you to add a trinket to your starting items, try to think of an good reason for how your character acquired the item. A trinket can be...
  • something the character found in their youth
  • what remains of a collection that the character had in his past
  • a cherished gift from a former lover
  • something a parent gave to the character before they passed
  • an award for a task done well
  • a remembrance from a mentor
  • the first item that a rogue stole.

d1200 Trinket
1 Trinket:  A miniature, tame mimic.
2 Trinket:  A carved marble elephant.
3 Trinket:  A small round cactus with two eyes.
4 Trinket:  A pocket book of dwarven poetry.
5 Trinket:  A bronze box containing a tiny wooden owl.
6 Trinket:  A solid blue metal sphere, one inch in diameter, with three parallel grooves around the circumference.
7 Trinket:  A pouch containing ten dried peas.
8 Trinket:  A ceramic puzzle cube, with each face divided into four independently rotating squares enameled with astronomical signs.
9 Trinket:  A square of bear-beetle leather, a creature unique to the misty woods of Cix.
10 Trinket:  A sheet of vellum on which is crudely painted a herbal plant that you have yet to identify.
11 Trinket:  A petrified frog.
12 Trinket:  A twenty-sided die.
13 Trinket:  A cut yellow chrysanthemum that never dies.
14 Trinket:  A palm-sized iron cage: the door doesn't shut properly, as the tiny lock was broken from the inside.
15 Trinket:  A blob of grey goo, slippy but safe to touch, kept in a ceramic pot.
16 Trinket:  A dried sky lily, from the tip of the Godshead, an impossibly high mountain.
17 Trinket:  A glowing blue-green line, six inches long, but with no discernible radius.
18 Trinket:  A pretty conch shell.
19 Trinket:  A scrap of paper on which is written, in Goblin, "My dearest Bess,".
20 Trinket:  A keychain holding the head of a broken key.
21 Trinket:  An echo pearl from the depths of the Vibration Lake.
22 Trinket:  A toy crossbow.
23 Trinket:  Lip balm.
24 Trinket:  A fossil of an extinct many-limbed critter.
25 Trinket:  A brass prosthetic nose.
26 Trinket:  A corkscrew.
27 Trinket:  A dried poison gland of a jagged fish.
28 Trinket:  A bronze gear on which is etched the word "Moon".
29 Trinket:  A map of a labyrinth, on which is penciled a line that starts at the centre but fails to connect to the entrance.
30 Trinket:  A cube of ice that never melts.
31 Trinket:  A square of ironsilk sewn by the geargrubs of ancient Siclari.
32 Trinket:  An ivory knitting needle.
33 Trinket:  A peacock feather.
34 Trinket:  A travel set of paints: someone has used up all the black.
35 Trinket:  A wig of short platinum-blonde hair.
36 Trinket:  A child's charm bracelet.
37 Trinket:  A small bar of orichalcum, a metal only mentioned in ancient literature.
38 Trinket:  A deed to a ruined tower.
39 Trinket:  An invitation to a formal ball to be held in two years time.
40 Trinket:  A smoking pipe carved from granite.
41 Trinket:  A vial of scented oil.
42 Trinket:  A preserved basilisk eye.
43 Trinket:  A torn page on which is written "Death! / Plop. / The barges down in the river flop. / Flop, plop. / Above, beneath".
44 Trinket:  An intricate knot that nobody seems to know how to tie or untie – sailors believe it to be bad luck.
45 Trinket:  Pages ripped out of an accounting journal of a local merchant.
46 Trinket:  A ring with a poison reservoir for slipping into drinks and a tiny razor edge for cutting purse-strings.
47 Trinket:  A glass globe of swirling green goop, no openings.
48 Trinket:  A bundle of ragged "treasure maps" drawn by inventive local children.
49 Trinket:  A sliver from a spear said to have pierced the armpit of a saint.
50 Trinket:  A portfolio of pressed flowers.
51 Trinket:  A small handbook of foreign coins, for travelers to identify denominations.
52 Trinket:  A slightly out of date guidebook to foreign inns, taverns, and transportation.
53 Trinket:  Six useless wooden tokens previously issued by a traitor-prince as currency.
54 Trinket:  Two false fingernails painted with mysterious symbols.
55 Trinket:  A set of cosmetic tools for cleaning the ears.
56 Trinket:  A harmless stage dagger with retracting blade and blood-compartment.
57 Trinket:  A floating glass orb that follows you around and makes whirring sounds.
58 Trinket:  A goblin-made key that can lock any door, but unlock none.
59 Trinket:  A translucent coin, minted in an unknown land.
60 Trinket:  A bronze ring engraved with dark symbols that was supposedly buried with a legendary necromancer long ago.
61 Trinket:  A ring carved with the unfinished insignia to a defunct secret organization.
62 Trinket:  A thimble on which is an enamel painting of a turtle.
63 Trinket:  A puzzle box holding 10 fingernail clippings.
64 Trinket:  A pair of badly worn hairdressing scissors.
65 Trinket:  A wax hand shaped to hold a large cup.
66 Trinket:  A measuring tape, marked in ink at 23 inches.
67 Trinket:  A seashell that is silent when held up to your ear.
68 Trinket:  A coprolite.
69 Trinket:  One piece of unknown paper currency with no obvious denomination.
70 Trinket:  A bootlace entwined with gold thread.
71 Trinket:  A dented sheriff's badge.
72 Trinket:  A tiny bubble level that is calibrated incorrectly.
73 Trinket:  A belt buckle.
74 Trinket:  A letter of complaint to a toy shop owner.
75 Trinket:  A decorative leather stud.
76 Trinket:  A penny whistle that plays the same note no matter which holes are covered.
77 Trinket:  A ticket admitting an adult and child onto a thing called a "semiotic tram".
78 Trinket:  A small glass vial holding three eyelashes.
79 Trinket:  A tub of putty.
80 Trinket:  A leather shoe made for a dog.
81 Trinket:  A doll head with no hair and poorly applied makeup.
82 Trinket:  A pewter spork.
83 Trinket:  Illustrated instructions on how to make a paper hat.
84 Trinket:  A clear glass dish with four round notches around the outside edge.
85 Trinket:  A wire circlet that bestows upon its wearer perfect posture.
86 Trinket:  A small hand-sized box covered with numbered buttons.
87 Trinket:  An empty whiskey tumbler that causes any liquid poured into it to become bourbon.
88 Trinket:  A book of flumph grammar.
89 Trinket:  A hunk of metal which appears to be several gears jammed together at unnatural and impossible angles: attempting to turn it causes it to emit a horrible shrieking sound.
90 Trinket:  A crystal prism that refracts shadow instead of light.
91 Trinket:  A smokeless and odorless candle.
92 Trinket:  A flat disc of layered metal and prismatic glass with a hole in the centre.
93 Trinket:  An ornate pewter tankard made without a bottom.
94 Trinket:  A wooden device designed to be gripped in two hands; two levers protrude from the top, and two triggers from the underside.
95 Trinket:  Two perfectly identical pine cones.
96 Trinket:  A sponge that can absorb 60 gallons of ale (and only ale).
97 Trinket:  A pepper grinder containing an unlimited supply of pepper unless opened, at which point it becomes half empty.
98 Trinket:  A poorly cultivated bonsai juniper in a glazed ceramic pot.
99 Trinket:  An oval-shaped soapstone tablet inscribed with a short list of religious prohibitions.
100 Trinket:  A wooden doll with a door that opens to reveal a slightly smaller, identical, doll; this one is empty, perhaps there are still smaller dolls that are missing
101 Trinket:  A stone figure of a snake that changes positions after every full moon.
102 Trinket:  A silver key of unknown origins on a leather cord as a pendant that emits strange magical energy.
103 Trinket:  The right half of a broken bronze circlet with a light leafy pattern that when placed on your head, stays in place as though the other half was still there.
104 Trinket:  A small silver rod which when rolled between your hands emits sounds as though a lute were being played by a master softly nearby.
105 Trinket:  A music box that can only be heard by someone who as wound it at least once.
106 Trinket:  A small stone cube that, when tapped with a rod of metal, looks as though it were made of that metal for a few seconds.
107 Trinket:  A wooden sphere with a white marking that always faces the sun, and a black marking that always faces the moon.
108 Trinket:  An opaque jar that cannot be opened or broken, no matter how hard you try.
109 Trinket:  A journal that details the great adventures of a hero you have never heard of, complete with vivid descriptions of nonsensical creatures and terms, all written in messy handwriting, but with impressive diction.
110 Trinket:  A tiny sack that, when opened, is full of sand, but feels as heavy as a large stone when lifted.
111 Trinket:  A puppet in the likeness of someone you distantly know, that echoes your movements when you (and only you) place it on the ground.
112 Trinket:  An iron rod that bends in unusual ways when you look directly at it, but rights itself when you look away.
113 Trinket:  A book that perfectly records the holder's dreams when held while sleeping.
114 Trinket:  A tin pot that is just the right size for you to wear as a helmet.
115 Trinket:  A marble sculpture of a tiny elf holding a lute seated on a chair that plays music every so often.
116 Trinket:  A piece of pure white cloth that never gets dirty.
117 Trinket:  A hat that never gets wet.
118 Trinket:  A mask that copies its wearer's facial expressions.
119 Trinket:  A humanoid skull with ethereal green orbs in its eye sockets.
120 Trinket:  A wineskin that only holds wine. Any other liquid pours out after a few seconds.
121 Trinket:  A leather belt that, when worn, glows with faint blue light.
122 Trinket:  A tiny javelin with an ornately carved shaft that always returns when thrown, exactly halfway between you and the person closest to you.
123 Trinket:  A sphere of crystal with a tiny shard of obsidian at the exact centre.
124 Trinket:  A flask that freezes any liquids stored in it at midnight, and unfreezes them at noon.
125 Trinket:  A book with words that change every time it is read.
126 Trinket:  A chain that feels warm when its holder is standing directly beside an awakened tree.
127 Trinket:  A cube with tiny animals wandering on each face that change when they cross onto a different face.
128 Trinket:  The preserved hand of a famous noble that moves when pointed at the ground.
129 Trinket:  A terribly written novel whose plot seems to match events that have happened in your life.
130 Trinket:  A recount of a famous battle that contradicts what is commonly thought about that battle, written by a great sage who was present.
131 Trinket:  A crown made out of ice that never melts.
132 Trinket:  A piece of string that always emits smoke.
133 Trinket:  A rod of indeterminate metal that changes its length at random every other day.
134 Trinket:  The hilt of a dagger that was used to assassinate a king, with an onyx on the end that glows ominously on nights with a full moon.
135 Trinket:  A stone carved to look like a head that occasionally speaks, asking questions that change every time.
136 Trinket:  A stick that glows brightly when held by an undead creature.
137 Trinket:  A flute that, when played, makes the sound of a random instrument, though never a flute.
138 Trinket:  An invitation to an event that has already ended.
139 Trinket:  A copper ring that feels abnormally light.
140 Trinket:  A turban that, when worn, makes your steps feel very light.
141 Trinket:  A cube of glass with mysterious runes etched on each corner.
142 Trinket:  A towel with a set of instructions embroidered on it that clearly state to wear it on the head in case of mind flayer attack.
143 Trinket:  A rose that, when placed in a bouquet with exactly 5 other flowers, glows brightly, and seems to move.
144 Trinket:  A set of brass wind chimes that only chime when hung on a rod of precious metal.
145 Trinket:  A grotesque statuette of a humanoid with rat-like features.
146 Trinket:  A drawing of a spider with twelve legs being used as a mount by a crudely drawn hobgoblin without a head, with a set of poems on the back written in poor Common.
147 Trinket:  The badge of a powerful organisation, with writing etched on the back that defames that group.
148 Trinket:  The diary of a prison guard with half of the pages written in a different language.
149 Trinket:  A handbook of etiquette for nobles of an empire that fell.
150 Trinket:  A translation guide for a fictional language.
151 Trinket:  The head of a pickaxe that was used in a lost gold mine, with names carved in Dwarvish runes along the sides.
152 Trinket:  A wooden plank that refuses to burn.
153 Trinket:  A detailed guide on the anatomy of rocs.
154 Trinket:  A muddy book with a single phrase repeated over and over.
155 Trinket:  A surprisingly realistic replica of a rakshasa hand.
156 Trinket:  A stone rod with a tin coating that has worn through in several places.
157 Trinket:  A compass that points towards the nearest bottle of rum.
158 Trinket:  A stone that feels very heavy, yet floats effortlessly.
159 Trinket:  A map with no key or locations, only red circles with lines connecting them.
160 Trinket:  A shard of glass that floats a tiny distance off of the ground when near an open flame.
161 Trinket:  A diagram of a forest on an island with no named artist.
162 Trinket:  An orb that glows with a flash of green light at noon.
163 Trinket:  A locket with a strange rune carved inside.
164 Trinket:  A green coat with numerous pockets, each with a separate piece of a moustache trimming kit inside.
165 Trinket:  A silver plate that feels rough, though it were made from coarse stone, but never feels painful to touch.
166 Trinket:  A figurine of a fiend, so lifelike it seems like it might come to life and attack any second.
167 Trinket:  A sapling that cannot be placed into soil, but never dies and has a single sweet fruit on its branches that grows back after one day when picked.
168 Trinket:  A red coat that makes you feel colder when it is worn.
169 Trinket:  A vial of tree sap.
170 Trinket:  A rod of metal that produces tiny sparks from a red marking when a black button on the other end is pressed.
171 Trinket:  A wooden cane that, when placed on the ground, stands perfectly straight, and cannot be tipped over.
172 Trinket:  A bottle of red liquid that sparkles ever so slightly under direct moonlight, with a faded blue label that cannot be read.
173 Trinket:  A sack of shed dragon claws.
174 Trinket:  A feather with a piece of red string tied on the end of the shaft.
175 Trinket:  An engagement ring that belonged to one of your parents.
176 Trinket:  A book that you faintly remember from your childhood that you thought was lost for many years.
177 Trinket:  An odd stone that seems to permeate energy.
178 Trinket:  A sword sized for a child.
179 Trinket:  A vial of water from a hot spring.
180 Trinket:  A squat metal tin full of brown powder that always feels cold to the touch, regardless of the temperature.
181 Trinket:  A glove worn by someone you deeply admire.
182 Trinket:  A shard of crystal that glows when near places dedicated to a certain deity, and glows brighter the closer you are.
183 Trinket:  A tome from an abandoned library.
184 Trinket:  A gear that refuses to mesh with any other.
185 Trinket:  A box of nuts that feel like they are made from metal, but can be eaten as though they were normal.
186 Trinket:  A tree branch with an odd symbol.
187 Trinket:  A yew wood figurine of a satyr with wings, carrying a willow wood staff.
188 Trinket:  A suit of armour made from oak wood, sized for a doll, painted in vivid red and black.
189 Trinket:  A stone with odd indentations, that seem to spell out a message of some kind.
190 Trinket:  A vial of mysterious pale blue liquid that slithers back in when poured out, and has a pleasant floral scent.
191 Trinket:  A jug that turns liquids stored in it into milk after a few minutes.
192 Trinket:  A seed that never grows when planted, but looks very similar to an acorn with a few green lumps.
193 Trinket:  A waxy white flower that constantly moves as though a gust of wind were blowing it around.
194 Trinket:  A robe with a tag on the inside that reads "to my dearest pupil," given to you by someone you deeply respect.
195 Trinket:  A tome filled with cryptic writings, all in Common, but with confusing terminology.
196 Trinket:  A beige jar of red ointment without a label.
197 Trinket:  A famous calligrapher's personal brush.
198 Trinket:  A band of iron that shines brilliantly despite being completely rusted.
199 Trinket:  A small cylinder of stone that smells faintly of blood.
200 Trinket:  A tunic that smells of saltwater and bears the emblem of an established land-locked nation on the front.
201 Trinket:  A curious looking pair of goggles with the words "Property of Ice! DON'T TOUCH!" scrawled into the side.
202 Trinket:  A small blue cube that faintly glows for some unknown reason.
203 Trinket:  A small orb with water and a small living jellyfish inside.
204 Trinket:  A cat figurine.
205 Trinket:  A hat that has a secret space on the inside which is the size of a small pouch and very hard to locate.
206 Trinket:  A bar of scented soap that bubbles.
207 Trinket:  A book of lore, that is hollow inside.
208 Trinket:  A belt buckle stolen from a noble or a king.
209 Trinket:  A slip of parchment with the phrase "I am not dead" written on it.
210 Trinket:  A small fist-sized cube that occasionally makes strange noises.
211 Trinket:  An unusually sharp spoon.
212 Trinket:  The symbol of a powerful religion, covered in soot that stays no matter how much it is cleaned.
213 Trinket:  The diary of a philanderer that contains detailed descriptions of common monsters.
214 Trinket:  A gigantic snake's tooth that has an unsettling aura about it.
215 Trinket:  An unusually small humanoid skull.
216 Trinket:  A bit of rock from a headstone.
217 Trinket:  A tiny bag of yellowish powder.
218 Trinket:  A small indestructible talking skull that tends to mumble racist slurs whenever it sees an elf.
219 Trinket:  A box of black licorice.
220 Trinket:  A strangely shaped bone.
221 Trinket:  An iron ring that, when worn, makes the wearer feel calm.
222 Trinket:  A group of small glassy spheres, all attached to each other in such a way that they form a rough pyramidal shape.
223 Trinket:  An empty bottle that once held the blood of a demon.
224 Trinket:  A tiny glass vial that contains a portion of the ashes of a statue of a god that was destroyed by marauders.
225 Trinket:  A detailed guide to making pickled foods.
226 Trinket:  A mask in the shape of a lion's head that moves from side to side occasionally when worn, yet the wearer experiences no change.
227 Trinket:  An axehead that appears to have been snapped off.
228 Trinket:  A palm-sized greenish stone with the carved image of a dragon on one side, and a humanoid on the other.
229 Trinket:  The head of a mummy.
230 Trinket:  A flask of giant's blood.
231 Trinket:  A miniature shield.
232 Trinket:  A sea shell with a strange rune carved into it.
233 Trinket:  A corn husk doll which dances under its own power when music is played nearby.
234 Trinket:  An arm band in the shape of a snake, with emeralds for eyes.
235 Trinket:  A tiny, fossilized ammonite made into a necklace.
236 Trinket:  An old coin, showing a hare on one side and the moon on the reverse.
237 Trinket:  The banner of a noble house.
238 Trinket:  A bird carved out of lapis lazuli.
239 Trinket:  A small pouch filled with the teeth of various shark species.
240 Trinket:  A tiny painting showing a vulture carrying a bone in its beak.
241 Trinket:  A fist-sized stone that glows slightly and feels incredibly hot to the touch.
242 Trinket:  An ingot of copper with an unusual hue.
243 Trinket:  A small notebook full of drawings.
244 Trinket:  A fist sized turtle shell.
245 Trinket:  A drawing of a flower that looks different when viewed from an angle.
246 Trinket:  A perfectly flat wheel made from terracotta.
247 Trinket:  The journal of a philosopher, full of wise sayings and anecdotes.
248 Trinket:  A malevolent-looking raven skull that has been charred black.
249 Trinket:  A small glass case containing several glossy butterfly wings.
250 Trinket:  A preserved frog that moves and croaks like a living frog, but to even an untrained eye is undeniably deceased.
251 Trinket:  A mahogany box of religious scrolls.
252 Trinket:  A guide to changing bowstrings full of grammatical errors.
253 Trinket:  A ceramic troll statuette with no arms, just legs.
254 Trinket:  A glass bottle that shines like gold.
255 Trinket:  An iron door-handle that makes menacing noises when underground.
256 Trinket:  A sliver ring that feels very slippery.
257 Trinket:  An ornately carved figurine of a giant made from bone.
258 Trinket:  A rusted fork.
259 Trinket:  A shoe made from crystal.
260 Trinket:  A piece of tree bark that is coated in blood.
261 Trinket:  A small oak wood box of vibrantly-coloured powders, each colour in its own tiny drawer.
262 Trinket:  A silver hand mirror with a dragon etched onto the back.
263 Trinket:  A tine of a deer's antler.
264 Trinket:  A miniature teapot and teacup.
265 Trinket:  A bejeweled statuette of a knight that is a replica of a famous sculpture.
266 Trinket:  A box of small orange cylinders that break and burn easily.
267 Trinket:  A stone carving of a piece of bacon.
268 Trinket:  A horn that has been cut cleanly in half.
269 Trinket:  A thin tube of iron filings with the seal of a noble house on both ends.
270 Trinket:  A small clay pig toy.
271 Trinket:  A small metal can that contains black colored pudding. If touched, the pudding leaves a slight stinging sensation to the hand.
272 Trinket:  A necklace strung with tiny snail shells.
273 Trinket:  Half of a coin with unusual markings engraved on both sides that cut off where the other half would connect.
274 Trinket:  A sack full of pieces of half-eaten bread.
275 Trinket:  A small bottle labeled "otyugh perfume" that really stinks.
276 Trinket:  An odd lump of metal that smells like sweat and rotten fish.
277 Trinket:  A fist-sized green seed covered in brown spines.
278 Trinket:  A fist-sized metal frog or toad (your choice).
279 Trinket:  A glass figurine in the shape of a lobster.
280 Trinket:  A wooden spoon, carved from a bigger spoon.
281 Trinket:  A jeweled goblet that will never, ever spill its contents.
282 Trinket:  An amulet that, when worn, makes you look older when you are injured.
283 Trinket:  A bowl covered in ornate designs depicting hill giants in combat with dwarves.
284 Trinket:  A copper badge that you have never seen before in your life, though it has your name on it.
285 Trinket:  The preserved finger of a giant that you once knew.
286 Trinket:  A set of ceramic castles that have a space for a candle in the middle. When the candle is lit the castle looks like it has lights on in the windows.
287 Trinket:  A perfectly reflective ball with a magnetic stick which allows it to be used to look around corners.
288 Trinket:  A laurel of flowers which never wilt or die.
289 Trinket:  A purple amulet in the shape of a pig's head.
290 Trinket:  A magically shrunken goblin in a tiny cage.
291 Trinket:  A copper lighter that never runs out of fluid
292 Trinket:  A fist-sized sphere; half of which is blue while the other half is red.
293 Trinket:  A pair of gloves that seem unusually warm to the touch.
294 Trinket:  A severed ape arm covered in black fur.
295 Trinket:  A vine covered in thorns that writhes around occasionally.
296 Trinket:  A petrified goat skull.
297 Trinket:  A brown mushroom of extraordinary size.
298 Trinket:  A drawing of a bird that you have never seen before.
299 Trinket:  A tiny piece of metal that floats on water.
300 Trinket:  A tiny stone orb that hangs in the air for a bit when you throw it.
301 Trinket:  An iron cuirass far too large to be worn by a humanoid.
302 Trinket:  An extremely large leaf that causes food that it touches to become very bitter.
303 Trinket:  A single leather boot with unknown markings on the bottom.
304 Trinket:  A leather pouch that contains a single wooden token depicting a crab.
305 Trinket:  A belt with a buckle made from an unusually twisted piece of copper.
306 Trinket:  An eyeball carved from stone that occasionally moves around, as though looking for something.
307 Trinket:  A piece of rope that is always too short to be useful.
308 Trinket:  A d8 die that looks to have been split in half by a large axe.
309 Trinket:  A carved wooden statuette of a hawk.
310 Trinket:  A tiny box that contains a model chair.
311 Trinket:  An eerily lifelike wooden bear figurine that is never found where you left it.
312 Trinket:  A small section of a snakeskin belt that seems to slither when it touches the ground.
313 Trinket:  A tiny carved skull with jewels in its eyes. You have a feeling like someone is watching you whenever you hold it.
314 Trinket:  A bottle of rum that never runs out.
315 Trinket:  A cloak that always flaps gently, as if pushed by a slight breeze.
316 Trinket:  A split piece of unknown wood, decorated to look as if it once was a piece of a druidic focus.
317 Trinket:  A small mirror in which your reflection remains, crying hideously whenever you look at it.
318 Trinket:  A small rodent's heart. Still beating.
319 Trinket:  A tiny, tame earth elemental that is afraid of beetles.
320 Trinket:  A book that gives you a headache whenever you try to read it. You are still unsure of what knowledge or story it holds.
321 Trinket:  A tankard that is always full of a wretched black fluid. If tipped, the fluid runs endlessly.
322 Trinket:  An obsidian dagger that reflects shadow as a monochrome rainbow.
323 Trinket:  An undead fly tied to an invincible foot long piece of thread.
324 Trinket:  A small gem that changes color and detail to any object it touches.
325 Trinket:  A miniature platinum lightning bolt that vibrates and zooms around when a storm is coming.
326 Trinket:  A deck of cards with unknown runes on each card.
327 Trinket:  A creepy idol of a black dragon with red jewels as eyes, whenever someone looks at the idol eyes their eyes flash red.
328 Trinket:  A miniature shield painted with gold designs, when you clutch it you feel slightly more confident.
329 Trinket:  A lava stone carved to look like a flame, it gives off endless heat.
330 Trinket:  A set of golden letters that move around when nothing sees them, creating random words.
331 Trinket:  A vial of red liquid that moves up or down depending on the current danger.
332 Trinket:  Extremely hard to see moon stone fragments that make small laughing noises when you can't find them.
333 Trinket:  A piece of taffy that always reappears when you eat it.
334 Trinket:  A large pitcher of liquid that seems to always change flavor.
335 Trinket:  A small marble that randomly changes color.
336 Trinket:  A small crystal that shakes very violently when wet.
337 Trinket:  Some random objects such as bones or stones that always come back together when destroyed
338 Trinket:  A clear piece of fabric that hovers unless you pull it down.
339 Trinket:  A marble that changes size when you aren't looking. Sometimes something that is touching it changes size slightly too, but changes back in 10 seconds.
340 Trinket:  A page with unknown runes depicting and ancient spell but unreadable no matter what.
341 Trinket:  A glass eye that spins to look at things other people are looking at.
342 Trinket:  A vial shaped like a cylinder. Any liquid put inside gets tainted blue and gains a slight taste like blue raspberry.
343 Trinket:  An expired potion of growth, now only makes you get slightly bigger when you take a sip, tastes like powdered iron for some apparent reason.
344 Trinket:  An expired potion of darkvision, now just makes everything bright when you take a sip, tastes like dry carrots for some apparent reason.
345 Trinket:  Some frog legs made of ivory that bounce around randomly.
346 Trinket:  A bar of titanium that feels squishy and soft to touch.
347 Trinket:  A book with a harmonious story, however whenever you turn the last page it takes you back to the middle of the story so you don't know how it ends.
348 Trinket:  A clockwork device that's button won't press no matter what you do.
349 Trinket:  A lens that reverses the color of things seen through it, black becomes white, cyan becomes orange, red becomes blue, and so on.
350 Trinket:  The blade of a huge axe that feels insanely heavy to any creature smaller than Huge, but creatures that are Huge or larger think it is as light as a feather.
351 Trinket:  A small worm statue that causes any creature that touches it to shrink by 1d4 inches over 1d4 minutes. Touching the statue again returns the creature to normal size.
352 Trinket:  A green tonic labeled "growth". If anything drinks it they grow an inch each second for 1d4 minutes, then shrink 1 foot each second until they return to normal size. Their equipment changes size too but doesn't increase damage.
353 Trinket:  A bloody hand that grips onto things and doesn't let go.
354 Trinket:  Some vials of liquid that create moss on anything they touch. This moss keeps growing and will eventually cover the whole thing. Then the moss withers and flakes off.
355 Trinket:  A packet of mints that cause the eater to change color for 1d6 hours.
356 Trinket:  A set of thieves tools that are bent and broken yet they still work perfectly.
357 Trinket:  A miniature brain made of coral.
358 Trinket:  The branch of a tree that caught fire when you were nearby.
359 Trinket:  A picture that has a field in it, as time goes, the picture changes and adds things like people and houses to itself.
360 Trinket:  The eye of a cat, for some reason it commonly looks around at anything powerful.
361 Trinket:  An acorn that makes ringing noises and shakes violently when touched.
362 Trinket:  A hammer from a long gone blacksmith. Sometimes at night you can see the hammer float and pound any weapons nearby.
363 Trinket:  A glass sphere containing ooze, still alive; it sometimes causes green acidic liquid to gush out of the sphere.
364 Trinket:  A crystal dagger, it is engraved with the symbol of a flaming skull with a rune covered ring around it.
365 Trinket:  A wizard's journal, recounting the tales of many arcane experiments.
366 Trinket:  A red gemstone shaped like a heart.
367 Trinket:  A purple gemstone shaped like a cage.
368 Trinket:  A piece of coal vaguely shaped like a head.
369 Trinket:  A pouch full of a fine black substance of unknown origin.
370 Trinket:  A gem that can summon a dim orb of light that does nothing but follow the summoner for a while.
371 Trinket:  A ceramic tile with a silvery sheen.
372 Trinket:  An incredibly heavy bone with countless words inscribed into it.
373 Trinket:  A small jar that has a lid attached to it. When the lid is closed, it turns its contents into fresh milk.
374 Trinket:  An incomplete book that adds to itself constantly.
375 Trinket:  A merchant's scale that is covered in blood stains.
376 Trinket:  A hat that drenches the wearer in a viscous orange fluid.
377 Trinket:  A vial of blood from an unknown creature.
378 Trinket:  A child's severed finger, still fresh, and periodically twitching.
379 Trinket:  A small painting of a skeleton in noble's clothes.
380 Trinket:  A ring carved from the sternum of a serial killer's most beloved victim.
381 Trinket:  The hilt of a broken greatsword. When held with both hands, blood runs down along the remnants of the blade.
382 Trinket:  The left glove of a well-known murderer. You periodically find yourself wearing it.
383 Trinket:  A small jar of sugar that makes all food and drink taste of salmon.
384 Trinket:  A stuffed bear given to you by a child that wouldn't speak.
385 Trinket:  A bundle of differently colored strands of hair.
386 Trinket:  A small box containing bloody teeth and fingernails. The box has the word "Mother" inscribed on the top.
387 Trinket:  A tiny hat that makes you feel very confident whilst wearing it.
388 Trinket:  An old piece of parchment reading "Fredrick, Why?"
389 Trinket:  A rat's skull with a beautiful, yet unidentifiable family crest carved into it.
390 Trinket:  An apple with a single bite taken out of it. It does not decay, it tastes terrible, and you can't bring yourself to throw it out.
391 Trinket:  A miniature painted wooden elephant with a single ivory tusk, the other one is snapped off with a jagged break.
392 Trinket:  A magical tome. When the spells inside are cast, the effect is never the same, are extremely stupid, and the spells cast aren't what's written in the tome.
393 Trinket:  A piece of frayed rope about a foot long. The ends are slightly burned.
394 Trinket:  A war veteran's glass eye.
395 Trinket:  A deformed human infant's skull.
396 Trinket:  A ceramic jar containing rice grains. When opened, a foul odor emanates from the jar.
397 Trinket:  A necklace adorned with a wooden medallion depicting a crudely-painted smiling face.
398 Trinket:  A sacrificial dagger that cuts into your palm whenever you grip the hilt.
399 Trinket:  A terrible love novel written by a hack author. For whatever reason, you love the story, even though you know it's terrible.
400 Trinket:  A whistle that causes all that hear it to feel incredibly nauseous.
401 Trinket:  An incredibly venomous snake that refuses to bite you, however, it likes to wrap itself around your arm.
402 Trinket:  An ancient hero's heart, bound in linen and kept in a clay jar.
403 Trinket:  A ring which makes the wearer reek of rotting fish.
404 Trinket:  A pair of pants that supposedly belonged to a powerful necromancer.
405 Trinket:  A pewter spoon that was owned by a powerful, fat landlord.
406 Trinket:  A jar containing an alchemical salve that is labeled "Apply to soles once per week." However, the salve has solidified into a waxy mass.
407 Trinket:  A helmet forged to fit the head of a child.
408 Trinket:  A small, black-furred creature that wears a bone-carved mask. It's kinda cute, but it always follows you, and remains just out of arms' reach.
409 Trinket:  A crystal prison in which a lich's soul is trapped. It is damaged, however, and the lich perpetually complains.
410 Trinket:  A small bottle of chalk tablets. Unmarked, but scented with the smell of lilacs.
411 Trinket:  A folded paper frog. When unfolded, you can read an uplifting message.
412 Trinket:  A bracelet braided from the ligaments of some large creature, with a charm carved from a humanoid tooth.
413 Trinket:  A piece of torn linen cloth worn soft by someone else's fingers. Up close, you can see marks where embroidery has been picked away.
414 Trinket:  A small glass jar with a gilt-painted image of a minor goddess; empty with a waxy residue at the mouth.
415 Trinket:  A glass file; intended for the care of nails, claws or talons.
416 Trinket:  A string of rough, red beads that smell faintly of cinnamon.
417 Trinket:  A carved bone portrait of a famous pirate; the enamel has worn thin.
418 Trinket:  A small doll. Someone thought it would be a good idea to carve its head from an apple; the face is brown, dry and wizened.
419 Trinket:  A wolf-hair paintbrush, perfect for calligraphy, though the binding is coming loose.
420 Trinket:  A walnut-sized terracotta jar containing traces of red makeup.
421 Trinket:  A fist-sized stone sphere that rolls after you when you put it down and walk away.
422 Trinket:  A box of odd beads that bear no resemblance to eyes, yet always seem to watch you.
423 Trinket:  A vial of dragon's blood.
424 Trinket:  A wooden cup that, when put to the ear, relays the sounds of a tavern party.
425 Trinket:  A violin that makes the player sound like an expert musician.
426 Trinket:  A book with a mysterious bloody stain on the back cover.
427 Trinket:  A waterskin that turns anything inside it into fresh, clean water.
428 Trinket:  A life-sized statue of a gnome.
429 Trinket:  A perfectly round snowball that never melts.
430 Trinket:  A broken table knife that can only be held by red-haired humanoids.
431 Trinket:  A 1-centimeter long perfectly functional crossbow.
432 Trinket:  A crystal pen that will only write with green ink.
433 Trinket:  A pair of silk trousers that are always a tad too big.
434 Trinket:  A small coin purse with gold inside that cannot be removed.
435 Trinket:  A wanted poster that bears the face of a terrified elf.
436 Trinket:  A bright orange, ceramic throwing star that will always miss its target.
437 Trinket:  A white metal goblet that grumbles angrily in Dwarvish when filled.
438 Trinket:  A set of blue marble earrings that glow faintly in the presence of pork.
439 Trinket:  A small humanoid skull that cackles every morning at the break of dawn.
440 Trinket:  A pair of scissors that only cuts eyebrow hair.
441 Trinket:  A silver coin with an engraved human that continuously waves to the holder.
442 Trinket:  A cast iron pot with a love letter carved into the side.
443 Trinket:  A bag that is full of rainbow-coloured sand.
444 Trinket:  A leaf that will never blow away in the wind.
445 Trinket:  A single iron shackle that was once worn by a deaf musician.
446 Trinket:  A shirt button that changes shape every day.
447 Trinket:  A single leather shoe that can be worn on either foot.
448 Trinket:  A tiny oak barrel filled with even tinier apples that refills every full moon.
449 Trinket:  A wooden dagger that's shaped to resemble a sacrificial blade.
450 Trinket:  A purple banana that never rots and tastes like saltwater.
451 Trinket:  A short metal chain that doesn't make and sound when shaken.
452 Trinket:  A map with directions to an abandoned gnome's house.
453 Trinket:  A dragon's tooth that perpetually feels wet.
454 Trinket:  A loincloth that's far too long.
455 Trinket:  A mahogany dinner plate with the phrase 'POETRY IS DEAD' carved into the bottom.
456 Trinket:  A small wooden box that contains a single, worn thimble.
457 Trinket:  A fully articulate plate gauntlet made out of unbreakable, unmelting chocolate.
458 Trinket:  A clear glass bottle that can be used as an eyeglass.
459 Trinket:  A child's leather vest with a small club logo on the back.
460 Trinket:  A codpiece with the entire Sylvan alphabet written on it.
461 Trinket:  A black feather that somehow weighs 40 pounds.
462 Trinket:  A salmon painting that repels mosquitoes.
463 Trinket:  A pair of socks that tickle the wearer.
464 Trinket:  A rolled-up scroll that displays the holder's exact height when opened.
465 Trinket:  A pair of marble chess pieces, black and white, that argue with each other.
466 Trinket:  A bandana that makes the wearer look 10 pounds lighter.
467 Trinket:  A rock that screams in fear when it's thrown.
468 Trinket:  A piece of parchment with an ink drawing of a centaur that always points north.
469 Trinket:  A green, metal orb that slowly orbits any obese humanoid it's thrown at.
470 Trinket:  A mouthpiece for an unknown musical instrument.
471 Trinket:  A single newt's eye in a glass jar.
472 Trinket:  A brass face mask that insults the wearer's outfit.
473 Trinket:  A small jar of nails that can only be driven by a glass hammerhead.
474 Trinket:  A closed lute case that incites extreme fear when someone tries to open it.
475 Trinket:  A sword scabbard that's full to the brim with tiny wooden swords.
476 Trinket:  A book that details a list of embarrassing childhood moments.
477 Trinket:  A guide to living with a house full of talking objects.
478 Trinket:  A fine, leather pouch that contains exactly 248 stone pebbles.
479 Trinket:  A cookbook that only holds the phrase 'Don't cook fairies' scrawled in blood.
480 Trinket:  A thin sheet of cooking paper that's been folded into a swan.
481 Trinket:  A warm winter scarf knitted from skunk fur.
482 Trinket:  A stone slab that floats.
483 Trinket:  A backpack that makes eating sounds when items are put inside.
484 Trinket:  A small unbreakable string that spans 10 feet.
485 Trinket:  A decaying wooden knife inscribed by a child that reads "the ultimate blade of destruction".
486 Trinket:  A small iron sculpture of a phoenix that fills you with peace due to it containing an aura of protection.
487 Trinket:  A miniature cannon made of glass that when heated release a large amount of smoke.
488 Trinket:  A pair of copper rimmed glasses that contain cracked lenses that slightly enhance your vision in the dark when worn.
489 Trinket:  A gigantic blade when used in combat of any kind it becomes immobile and unable to move at all otherwise it's as light as a feather.
490 Trinket:  An old doll you found in an abandoned manor. The doll's eyes follow you and you usually have nightmares when you sleep near it even when you throw it away it comes right back to you.
491 Trinket:  A cane sword that refuses to be unsheathed unless on a full moon.
492 Trinket:  A black triangular pendant that gives off a rich king purple glow it is said to nullify pain but many believe not.
493 Trinket:  A diary that when shaken reveals a secret that a nearby entity knows although the secrets are almost always useless.
494 Trinket:  The soul of a hero long gone. It does nothing except look pretty and follow you incessantly.
495 Trinket:  A strand of hair from a lower goddess.
496 Trinket:  A small wooden box containing a pair of small sentient clay men that wonder around aimlessly they magically return to the box when it is closed.
497 Trinket:  A shovel made from unusual blue metal.
498 Trinket:  A sickly green humanoid bone.
499 Trinket:  A tattered red cloak that patches itself up when its wearer is in a graveyard.
500 Trinket:  An odd cog that spins on its own every so often.
501 Trinket:  A stoppered bottle that contains a harmless undead spider.
502 Trinket:  A small drone carving that depicts a naked goblin scratching his hindquarters.
503 Trinket:  A wooden mask that makes the wearer see the people around them as unnaturally beautiful.
504 Trinket:  A letter addressed to you from a king that has been long dead. It was sent recently.
505 Trinket:  A small dull dagger that refuses to sharpen.
506 Trinket:  A rusted coin that absorbs any oil it comes into contact with.
507 Trinket:  A long letter of complaint addressed to a teacher you once had written on it.
508 Trinket:  A glass jar that has about 12 living, miniature frogs inside of it.
509 Trinket:  Some candy that tastes faintly of pineapple, and never seems to go bad.
510 Trinket:  A broken piece of technology from the distant future it seems. Nobody can tell the purpose of the device, and nothing seems to repair it.
511 Trinket:  A small doll with a cloak and toy dagger attached. On the back of the doll, the letters "TDG" are written.
512 Trinket:  A drinking horn with an odd rune carved on it.
513 Trinket:  A tiny pink bottle that smells of roses when it is empty.
514 Trinket:  A hunting horn that sounds like a trumpet when blown into.
515 Trinket:  An owl feather quill that makes the holder always talk in the third person.
516 Trinket:  A leather glove that talks when worn. It uses the wearer's fingers and thumb as a mouth.
517 Trinket:  A miniature treasure chest that yells at you to shut it when it's opened.
518 Trinket:  A wooden carving of an orc doing a handstand.
519 Trinket:  A metal rod that can't conduct electricity.
520 Trinket:  A small twig that doubles as the perfect toothpick, no matter who uses it.
521 Trinket:  A gnome's hair brush.
522 Trinket:  A small painting of a horse's rear end.
523 Trinket:  A mirror that breaks when someone smiles in it.
524 Trinket:  A cork for an old wine bottle that won't fit in any other bottle.
525 Trinket:  A copper coin that, when flipped, tells the flipper a fake fortune.
526 Trinket:  An erotic novel that's written backwards.
527 Trinket:  A boomerang that comes back when you least expect it to.
528 Trinket:  A pair of worn leather boots that won't move when someone wears them.
529 Trinket:  A small pot of horse glue that says 'NOT FOOD, SERIOUSLY' on the side.
530 Trinket:  A drinking glass that spits out whatever's poured into it. It then proceeds to tell off the person who filled it.
531 Trinket:  A spyglass that works backwards.
532 Trinket:  A centuries-old pack of rations that's perfectly preserved. The food inside tastes like chicken.
533 Trinket:  A bowl of grapes that are harder than stone.
534 Trinket:  A pitcher full of goblin tears.
535 Trinket:  A legal deed for a house that doesn't exist.
536 Trinket:  A brass tube that acts as a portal to Mechanus. It's impossible to put anything inside.
537 Trinket:  A dagger made of folded parchment.
538 Trinket:  A green wine bottle that can't break.
539 Trinket:  A tiny skeleton that animates and dances when music is played.
540 Trinket:  A prayer book to a made-up religion.
541 Trinket:  An object that can't be accurately described. When someone tries to describe it, they're at a loss for words.
542 Trinket:  A bell that summons a fox from the nearest unoccupied space. It does nothing but stare at the person who rang the bell for exactly three minutes and forty-two seconds, after which it runs off.
543 Trinket:  A box of twelve matching pieces of broccoli.
544 Trinket:  A live beehive full of bees. They're not happy.
545 Trinket:  A tiny fairy in a jar that tells awful jokes.
546 Trinket:  A journal written by a very racist tiefling.
547 Trinket:  A bar of soap that smells like rotten meat.
548 Trinket:  A key that breaks when it's used on a door. It doesn't open the door.
549 Trinket:  A wheel of blue cheese that's been dyed red.
550 Trinket:  A 300-page rulebook for rock-paper-scissors.
551 Trinket:  A tin of makeup that's the most absurd color of orange.
552 Trinket:  An apple that tastes like an orange.
553 Trinket:  A large, steel lock without a key.
554 Trinket:  A letter from an unknown sender. It reads, 'I told you so!' and the return address is simply labeled 'Feywild'.
555 Trinket:  A slice of piping hot cherry pie, but it has no plate or utensils.
556 Trinket:  A carefully detailed drawing of a halfling toe.
557 Trinket:  A ruby that holds the soul of a long-dead evil sorcerer. He constantly gives bad advice.
558 Trinket:  A ham and butter sandwich with lettuce, but the bread is made of cotton.
559 Trinket:  A teacup full of live, non-venomous spiders.
560 Trinket:  A costume mask made from a wolf's skull and pelt.
561 Trinket:  A backscratcher, downsized for use by gnomes.
562 Trinket:  A tattered blacksmith cap full of red dwarf hair.
563 Trinket:  A small roll of leather that's been cured with giant urine.
564 Trinket:  The hollowed-out shell of a large hermit crab.
565 Trinket:  A book full of jokes about dragons.
566 Trinket:  A lute made out of dry grass.
567 Trinket:  A quill that never runs out of ink, but changes its ink color every hour.
568 Trinket:  A repeating crossbow that won't fire bolts. It will, however, fire toothpicks.
569 Trinket:  A silver piece that glows red when exposed to methane.
570 Trinket:  An iron ring inscribed with your name that perfectly fits your left index finger, and only yours.
571 Trinket:  A treasure map that leads to a beggar's dandelion garden.
572 Trinket:  A lovingly crafted travel tankard that makes all manners of drink taste of mead.
573 Trinket:  A small wooden box containing a blood-stained pommel and a detailed account of a judicial duel.
574 Trinket:  A flute in the shape of a skull made out of dead wood that whenever played makes the listeners feel scared.
575 Trinket:  A ring embedded with a topaz containing a soul of a clueless wizard. He gives little to no insight into objects of intrigue.
576 Trinket:  A small sword from a figurine it is incredibly sharp and able to cut through steel if given the time, unfortunately, it's way too small to use properly.
577 Trinket:  A piece of bark from a fabled tree that never decays nor gets damaged it talks to you in a different language from a roster of 4 languages and it changes the language it speaks daily.
578 Trinket:  A handbook that details all the different creatures from another world though you have never seen nor heard of any of them before or has anyone else.
579 Trinket:  A tattered old hat you received from a beggar that when worn makes people want to avoid the wearer and or hurry past the wearer.
580 Trinket:  A a violin you found clutched in the hand of a dead old man whenever you play it regardless of the tune it makes people incredibly sad.
581 Trinket:  A small stone that feels like silk when you touch it.
582 Trinket:  Half of a medallion that emanates dark power untold by mortals yet something feels missing from it like it's missing half of itself.
583 Trinket:  Half of a medallion that emanates a sense of security and warmth yet something feels missing from it like it's missing half of itself.
584 Trinket:  A pocket sundial that only works in the moonlight.
585 Trinket:  The deed to an invisible hut — at least, that's what the merchant said.
586 Trinket:  A song that cannot be played on any mortal instrument no matter how hard you try.
587 Trinket:  A riddle so tough just the sight of it makes even the most intelligent person frustrated at how hard it is.
588 Trinket:  A a multitool with only one tool in it. That tool being a magnifying glass that has the words "try to find the other tools" inscribed on it in Common. The magnifying glass itself gives the one using it more insight into what they are looking at through it.
589 Trinket:  A ring that has "C'est inutile" inscribe on it, for some reason it makes you feel special when you wear it.
590 Trinket:  A wand that when waved over anything that could be considered food makes it taste of mixed berries.
591 Trinket:  A plate made of strange clay whenever something is eaten off it a growling noise is heard from somewhere nearby.
592 Trinket:  Half of a cookie that, when eaten, causes another half of a cookie appears in an empty space nearby.
593 Trinket:  A sandwich bag that has the words "for panzer only" written on it. Inside the bag is a sandwich so perfect and mouthwatering but no matter what you are forced away if you try to eat the sandwich or remove it from its bag.
594 Trinket:  A 3-foot cube box that causes bread placed in it for more than one minute to become toasted and buttered on one side.
595 Trinket:  A scroll case full of ash. The lid has a tiny iron spike on the top.
596 Trinket:  A woodcutter's axe that refuses to cut anything but wood.
597 Trinket:  A small box with a button. When pressed a repetitive 30-second tune will play. If the button is held down button for 20 seconds, it imprints a new tune.
598 Trinket:  A jar containing two eyeballs peering with innocence at you with a label that reads "Lithians treasure" scribbled in crayon.
599 Trinket:  An eye patch of white stained leather with the word "Skipper" on the inside.
600 Trinket:  A silver ring with "Dax <3 Mariva" inscribed on the inside. If you try and wear it, it slips off of your finger almost immediately.
601 Trinket:  A deed to a bear sanctuary in another land.
602 Trinket:  A locket containing a picture of an unrecognizable child.
603 Trinket:  A bracer that is too hot to touch.
604 Trinket:  A freezing cold gauntlet.
605 Trinket:  A map of an infinite labyrinth that is illegible.
606 Trinket:  A book of ideas that will never be used.
607 Trinket:  A miniature functioning siege set.
608 Trinket:  A book of smut.
609 Trinket:  A miniature canoe with what appears to be a dragonborn living on it.
610 Trinket:  A captain's hat with the name "sexy captain Alice" on the inside.
611 Trinket:  An unfinished nude drawing of a man with an eye patch.
612 Trinket:  A deflated rubber ball.
613 Trinket:  A pamphlet preaching Nameless The Double Fae Gnome.
614 Trinket:  A crude sketch of a goblin entitled Leanord.
615 Trinket:  A necklace made from seven owl feathers.
616 Trinket:  An unknown ancient relic that was forgotten through time.
617 Trinket:  A half-built sled.
618 Trinket:  A vial containing a small ember.
619 Trinket:  A bubblegum scented sword.
620 Trinket:  A bag of odd mushrooms.
621 Trinket:  A statuette made from a coprolite.
622 Trinket:  A book that details etiquette for acolytes of a major religion.
623 Trinket:  A wand sized for a kobold.
624 Trinket:  A whip crafted from ink-black leather.
625 Trinket:  A hag's hairpin.
626 Trinket:  A wrestling belt.
627 Trinket:  A whistle that, when blown, makes you feel certain that there's a horse not too far away from you.
628 Trinket:  A pair of undies with bats on them
629 Trinket:  A crown made out of thirty broken spoons.
630 Trinket:  A cabbage that cannot be eaten.
631 Trinket:  A gold-painted rock.
632 Trinket:  A tiny lizard skull.
633 Trinket:  A pink scabbard that feels lighter than it actually is.
634 Trinket:  A map to your ancestral home.
635 Trinket:  A jester's hat.
636 Trinket:  A harlequin mask that makes you feel oddly sad when you wear it.
637 Trinket:  A pair of pumped up kicks.
638 Trinket:  A shooting star contained in a bag.
639 Trinket:  A coupon for a free hug from a king.
640 Trinket:  A tiny hand carved from amber that flies around you and pokes people.
641 Trinket:  A red boomerang that never comes backs to you.
642 Trinket:  A tiny bit of a dragon's scale.
643 Trinket:  A deed to a place that you made up.
644 Trinket:  A dented helmet that has an odd swirling design on the back.
645 Trinket:  A book of myths.
646 Trinket:  A cork that has a faint aroma of orange.
647 Trinket:  A mushroom that smells of butterscotch and rots.
648 Trinket:  A scabbard that smells of cheese.
649 Trinket:  A trumpet that plays a mocking tune whenever you fail at something. You can't get rid of it.
650 Trinket:  A set of very erotic undergarments.
651 Trinket:  A jar full of petrified wasps.
652 Trinket:  A hat that belongs to a violent marauder lord.
653 Trinket:  A noble's journal, detailing his love affair with a goblin barmaid.
654 Trinket:  A rusty speculum.
655 Trinket:  A broken lute covered in bloodstains.
656 Trinket:  A portrait of an incredibly muscular man wearing a short dress.
657 Trinket:  A necromancer's reanimated pet frog.
658 Trinket:  A platinum piece that merchants seem frightful of.
659 Trinket:  A dagger that can't be removed from its sheath.
660 Trinket:  A miser's coin purse. You just can't figure out how to untie the drawstrings.
661 Trinket:  A pebble, delicately carved to resemble a dwarven mine baron.
662 Trinket:  A flip book that depicts a cartoonish spine devil operating a riverboat.
663 Trinket:  A beautifully crafted doll that belonged to a knight named Beirand.
664 Trinket:  An undelivered letter addressed to a lord from the east. It simply states "kill you" repeatedly.
665 Trinket:  A child's wooden sword, with the names of several children carved into the side. It is completely bloodstained...
666 Trinket:  An opium pipe made from beautifully carved jade. The name "Lawrence" is inscribed at the bottom.
667 Trinket:  A bit of slime in a jar. When the jar is opened, the slime tries its hardest to stay as far into the jar as it can, and something tells you you shouldn't touch it.
668 Trinket:  A small bottle full of everlasting fire, when opened the sentient fire leaps onto whoever opened it and acts like a familiar; does not burn the owner, will attack anyone who threatens the owner of the fire.
669 Trinket:  A music box that when opened plays strange music extremely loud.
670 Trinket:  A journal with writing about the mass murder of orphans that lived at a temple, the murderer was never found; the writer seems to want revenge.
671 Trinket:  An explorer's journal that goes very in depth of his discoveries while in his own house
672 Trinket:  A small, sticky substance that is unidentifiable. Animals seem to enjoy eating it.
673 Trinket:  A box full of green shirts, dresses, hats, basically anything clothes as long as it's green. Though, you have discovered a large pea in the corner of the box in the past.
674 Trinket:  A necklace of obviously fake black pearls.
675 Trinket:  Sheet music, with explicit instructions to play it using only sounds made by various animals instead of normal instruments.
676 Trinket:  A blanket that makes anyone sleeping under it snore heavily for one hour, before flying off their body.
677 Trinket:  A drum that makes someone within a 30 foot radius sneeze tremendously on every 7th beat.
678 Trinket:  A book that translates anything you say into any language you wish, however it also adds in several random words, completely changing the meaning of whatever you say.
679 Trinket:  A wise ghost that will give mildly helpful advice on occasion, but thinks its hilarious to play the bongos at inconceivable volume whenever you are trying to remain undetected.
680 Trinket:  An extremely vulgar pocket watch that only shuts up when you wrap it in a special cloth that is fragile and can never be replaced.
681 Trinket:  A lime-green sandal that is sized for a giant.
682 Trinket:  A dung beetle the size of a pony that refuses to do anything but follow you, and push a gigantic wad of dung.
683 Trinket:  A magic sphere that replays the most horrid-yet-catchy tune you have ever heard at random.
684 Trinket:  A squirrel that will occasionally bring you nuts, but will hide any small objects or string you posses nearby just as often.
685 Trinket:  An earring that will make you slightly more attractive to the opposite sex when pierced on your left buttock.
686 Trinket:  A cup that remains totally unmovable from where it was set unless there is absolutely no liquid left inside of it.
687 Trinket:  An elegant pair of shoes that make you run into walls on rare occasions.
688 Trinket:  A perfect cube of polished, solid dirt.
689 Trinket:  An artist's canvas that always appears to have mildly suggestive and socially unacceptable material portrayed on it, but is always masterfully done. The artwork changes at random.
690 Trinket:  An endless, near-weightless bag, that produces only rubbish when you urgently need something specific from it. Will only produce items you have stored in it otherwise, but always at random.
691 Trinket:  A ring that gives you the ability to command sheep in small numbers, but sheds dog hair in excessive amounts every 9 days.
692 Trinket:  A jack-in-the-box that will always produces a somewhat disturbing illusion that changes every time you use it.
693 Trinket:  A trusty sword of good steel that is haunted by several ornery, elderly, racist veterans of several different wars. They are almost always present, and they all hate each other.
694 Trinket:  A walnut. There seems to be magical properties to it... maybe?
695 Trinket:  A bag of salt. You have tasted a small bit of it, and amazingly, you can taste the magic in the salt, though it doesn't seem holy.
696 Trinket:  A child-sized thumb. You don't recall how you got it, but you're sure you knew somebody who was missing a thumb when you were younger.
697 Trinket:  An incredibly large ear that presumably belonged to a giant.
698 Trinket:  A small slip of paper that reads "Ce message n'est pas pour vous, imbécile."
699 Trinket:  The head of a polearm.
700 Trinket:  A bag containing three history books so out of date they're not even written in modern Common.
701 Trinket:  A long list of miscellaneous items. There’s about 700 of them on the list.
702 Trinket:  A pint of milk that never goes bad, but always tastes like it's not quite right. The pint bottle refills every day at the exact moment that the sun rises.
703 Trinket:  A one-man band comprised of a drum, an accordion, a harmonica, a tuba, cymbals, and a horn. It seems to play whatever it wants though.
704 Trinket:  A broken dagger with the last part of a name inscribed on the remaining portion of the blade. It reads "-dius".
705 Trinket:  A small blue-black orb that when held up to the ear seems to emit the tiny screams of a thousand souls.
706 Trinket:  A hand mirror that holds the attention of anyone looking into it. You feel absolutely fabulous.
707 Trinket:  A small device that when held right can be spun. It has three protruding limbs and other than spinning seems to be of no particular interest.
708 Trinket:  A belt with a note accompanying it reading "This belt shall give power to those that wear it." It's buckle is missing and cannot be found.
709 Trinket:  A small slip of paper with wishes on it. It will grant three wishes but will kill the person that makes the third wish. Two wishes have already been used.
710 Trinket:  A sword made to harness the power of demon's blood. It seems the blood has since been returned to its rightful owner.
711 Trinket:  A puzzle set that is missing a piece which never seems to be the same piece as last time.
712 Trinket:  A scroll on which is inscribed a childish insult that isn't very amusing.
713 Trinket:  A tiny cage containing a goblin that seems to hate you for something you apparently did to it despite never having seen or heard of this goblin until now.
714 Trinket:  A tiny book containing a list of ships that have docked but have never existed in real life or in fantasy literature.
715 Trinket:  A hardback blue book containing a list of every monster in the world and their exact demographics. The book seems very old.
716 Trinket:  A metal butter container marked with the words "Property of Professor Chaos."
717 Trinket:  A tin hat that is said to ward off creatures that steal your thoughts.
718 Trinket:  A leather-bound diary that when written in will make the ink disappear and answer back before once more disappearing.
719 Trinket:  An instruction manual that states what not to do in the events of potentially apocalyptic events.
720 Trinket:  Three green diamonds made of cloth that attach to each other when put near each other but separate when placed near water.
721 Trinket:  A cube made up of smaller cubes with images of even smaller cubes inside those cubes. It seems to keep going on and on.
722 Trinket:  A fabric doll of a guard with an angry expression on it.
723 Trinket:  A tent that seems to get smaller and smaller with each use. Who knows how small it can actually get...
724 Trinket:  A card game with monsters, traps, and spells on each card. Playing one makes a small image of it appear and when played against another monster will attack one another.
725 Trinket:  A cube that plays a song from another time period. It doesn't sound like anything that has existed so far.
726 Trinket:  A die with the classic six sides. It seems each face shows a different outcome constantly and rolling it will reveal that outcome. There seem to be an infinite number of potential outcomes.
727 Trinket:  Toothpicks made of razor blades and broken glass. Who would even want to use this?
728 Trinket:  A broken compass that seems to point away from your destination and doesn't seem to be able to be deceived.
729 Trinket:  A piece of chocolate that tastes bitter with a sweet aftertaste, it burns your tongue when tasted as well.
730 Trinket:  A weird brass pot that when opened reveals a hot steaming meal of great distaste to he who opens it.
731 Trinket:  A bag of weird living figurines of everyone you know, including yourself, and they seem to be unable to see you despite your ability to interact with them.
732 Trinket:  A weird yellow hat that belches into your ear when worn.
733 Trinket:  A vial of vomit that smells like roses for some odd reason.
734 Trinket:  A picture of the nastiest thing you have ever laid eyes on.
735 Trinket:  A box of jewels with an inscription on the box with the end scratched off. It reads "Elements of..." These jewels are powerful but seem to be unable to work.
736 Trinket:  A giant cupcake that has been half eaten.
737 Trinket:  A large sum of gold coins. Upon closer inspection they are made of bone, without looking so closely you'd never be able to tell they were fake
738 Trinket:  A metal bucket with an old note in it. It says "Gentleman. This, is a bucket" followed by another note that says "dear god" followed by yet another that says "Wait, there's more" and finally one that simply says "NOoo..." as if the person was in a state of disbelief.
739 Trinket:  A thin metal box with images of people you hate and six bags of tobacco for smoking.
740 Trinket:  A very scary painting of yourself that seems to age the longer you look at it. It resets by morning.
741 Trinket:  A thing made of materials. None of this looks familiar to you in any shape or form and makes you very uncomfortable.
742 Trinket:  A broken staff that partly disintegrates when it is touched, but always leaves some material behind.
743 Trinket:  A plush toy of an owl with a label attached to it that reads "Comet".
744 Trinket:  A tiny wheel of cheese with a hole in the middle.
745 Trinket:  A loaf of bread made into the shape of a longsword that is stale.
746 Trinket:  A picture that shows a random location you ask about in the general area, though it usually shows you perverted things as if it had a mind of its own. You feel its name is Jiraiya.
747 Trinket:  A cow leather belt that allows you to speak with cows, yet makes you sheepish in the presence of sheep.
748 Trinket:  A ring that seems to get smaller while you wear it.
749 Trinket:  A hammer that whispers to you seductively in your sleep and takes pleasure in being used. You are usually creeped out by it.
750 Trinket:  A bottle that contains an odd green liquid that floats on water.
751 Trinket:  A leather pouch that contains seventeen sewing needles.
752 Trinket:  A letter that can barely be read, smudged by tears and withered by seawater, with the legible parts reading "Cam.....ere..on..e'll b..hap...med.y....-N..."
753 Trinket:  A baked clay figurine of a wide-eyed kobold with a bone in its mouth.
754 Trinket:  A rudimentary deck of playing cards made on the backs of "Wanted Person" leaflets.
755 Trinket:  A thick leather belt with impressions and engravings depicting the stages of a moon.
756 Trinket:  An old farmers almanac with pages cut to conceal small items inside.
757 Trinket:  A highly-polished, palm-sized steel orb that always rolls downhill.
758 Trinket:  A ship's flag that doesn't move in the wind.
759 Trinket:  The fantastical skull of a rare hornless unicorn... or at least that's what the merchant who sold it to you claimed it was. He wouldn't have lied to you now, would he?
760 Trinket:  An otherwise ordinary skull, if not for the third eyehole nestled in the center of its forehead.
761 Trinket:  A scrimshaw depicting several northern nomads hunting a great elk, carved into the tooth of a saber-toothed tiger.
762 Trinket:  A black ring covered with some very faint, illegible etchings that glow with a red light when in darkness. It feels somewhat warm to the touch when worn.
763 Trinket:  The last baby tooth of a young giant, who lost it long ago.
764 Trinket:  The skull of a wolf, peculiar for the rack of antlers sprouting from the top of its head.
765 Trinket:  A small, mechanical bear that fits in the palm of your hand. It dances whenever music is played, yet no power source nor mechanism can be detected.
766 Trinket:  A small wooden top that refuses to stop spinning, despite your best efforts.
767 Trinket:  A sealed glass jar filled with a pale, reddish liquid. A small, deformed humanoid floats in the middle of it, and you swear that you can see it twitch whenever you are not looking directly at it.
768 Trinket:  A note you found in your pocket one day instead of a pouch of coins. It only says "IOU".
769 Trinket:  An odd torch that produces a blue flame yet seemingly no heat or light. At least it never goes out.
770 Trinket:  A set of exquisitely crafted dice, carved from the tusks of a mammoth. Dwarvish runes replace the typical pips on the sides, and glow a faint blue.
771 Trinket:  A vial of purple fluid that, when poured onto an inanimate object of size small or tiny, will cause said object to become translucent in appearance for one hour.
772 Trinket:  An incredibly crude knife seemingly carved from a stone giant's toenail.
773 Trinket:  A silver ring with runic etchings. In place of where a jewel would go, however, there is instead a small depression wherein rests an orb of green flame that never goes out but which also does not burn.
774 Trinket:  A walking stick shaped from a gnarled elm root. A small branch is sprouting from it, tipped with several leaves.
775 Trinket:  A sealed Ship in a Bottle, enchanted by a wizard. As you watch, the ship rocks back and forth as tiny waves crash about it.
776 Trinket:  A small bird unlike any you've ever seen, trapped in a chunk of amber.
777 Trinket:  A tumorous mass of flesh that squelches along the ground behind you, aided by a sinewy mass of veins and arteries that act akin to tentacles.
778 Trinket:  A pewter armlet adorned with a pack of wolves engraved into its surface. When you rub your fingers lightly over it, the sounds of distant howls echo through the air.
779 Trinket:  A gold stud earring that whispers completely useless facts into its wearer's ear.
780 Trinket:  A silver pocketwatch that can correctly tell the time on whatever plane it is currently on.
781 Trinket:  Small bits of nuts and fruit that seemingly never go bad and you cannot bring yourself to eat. Reminds you of a pet bird you once had.
782 Trinket:  A blue flame in a jar that gives encouraging statements when you're feeling sad.
783 Trinket:  A old box that used to contain your favorite poem. You're not quite sure where the poem went though you can remember having it just a few minutes ago.
784 Trinket:  A gold nugget that merchants never seem to want to buy. You remember one merchant in particular who mumbled something about a curse after attempting to sell it to him, though you feel no effect.
785 Trinket:  A sad looking wooden idol. It makes you and others around you feel sad just by looking at it.
786 Trinket:  Three pairs of shoes that each wouldn't even fit a baby.
787 Trinket:  Your favorite pair of socks. They're worn down and aren't worth wearing anymore.
788 Trinket:  A painting about the size of your hand. It depicts a crudely drawn man holding a flower. Who drew this?
789 Trinket:  A calendar with every day of the year labeled with the phrase "CLEAN CLEAN IT ALL." You never want to meet the person who did this.
790 Trinket:  The leg of a chair that broke off with a friend of yours sitting in it. You remember using it as a fake weapon when you were young.
791 Trinket:  Five identical pieces of wood. They're too perfect to use for anything.
792 Trinket:  A poorly crafted clay animal. You can't quite tell which one it's supposed to be.
793 Trinket:  A chalice with the words "You drink too much" at the bottom of the cup.
794 Trinket:  The cowl of a renowned thief. It seems to be cursed and you can't bring yourself to put it on.
795 Trinket:  The deed to a plot of land in the middle of the ocean.
796 Trinket:  A small box full of miniature instruments. They all play quite beautifully in the hands of something that can play them.
797 Trinket:  A map of a place that doesn't exist. You get a sinking feeling whenever you look at it.
798 Trinket:  A poster for a play for the deaf. Everybody in the photo is wearing ridiculous masks to play different characters.
799 Trinket:  A painting of the most horrid, obscene thing you've ever seen in your life. The brushwork and composition are impeccable.
800 Trinket:  A book detailing the workings of a fake machine.
801 Trinket:  A mask of an unknown person. His expressions seem too big for his face.
802 Trinket:  A fabled lockpick that supposedly never breaks. It seems to have lost its power, however, as it had broken on the first use.
803 Trinket:  Three thousand tiny hats that you almost can't see. You can only tell they're hats because you get a wizard to enlarge one for a short period of time.
804 Trinket:  A tiny figurine of a wolf that whines when left alone.
805 Trinket:  A miniature replica anchor that refuses to sink.
806 Trinket:  The equivalent of two hundred million gold pieces in orange pieces of paper. They go to a game you played when you were little.
807 Trinket:  A piece of string about 3 inches in length with a tiny, crude-looking shoe tied to one end made of wood that, when pinched, shocks you harmlessly.
808 Trinket:  A clay bowl with a painting of a fingernail in it.
809 Trinket:  A box full of childhood possessions. You can't seem to remember any of them.
810 Trinket:  A small card welcoming you to a famous city. It has a letter on the back that's from a friend of yours explaining their experiences in the city.
811 Trinket:  A large, metal wheel of cheese that always smells like the ocean.
812 Trinket:  Three balls bound by a metal wire, one made of wood, one made of lead, and one made of flesh...
813 Trinket:  A shred of paper that partially reads "One for the dame, one fo-."
814 Trinket:  A love letter written by a beggar from your hometown. Funny, you don't remember being given this...
815 Trinket:  A small cheat sheet that went to a test from school. It didn’t help much.
816 Trinket:  An old, rusty and dull sword. It’s so dull it almost qualifies as a club.
817 Trinket:  Protective eyewear. It’s a bit small for a human, but can fit perfectly on any other race, oddly enough.
818 Trinket:  A long-winded and ultimately misleading report on the growth of peanuts.
819 Trinket:  An almost lifelike painting of a bald, half-naked man holding fish in every appendage, including his mouth.
820 Trinket:  A collection of figurines of every kind of dragon.
821 Trinket:  An incomplete collection of cheese knives. There’s about seventeen of them in the container.
822 Trinket:  A deck of cards that, when left alone for too long, will start shuffling and dealing themselves to all nearby people.
823 Trinket:  A die with 7 sides made of bone. The side where '7' would be shown is instead replaced with a heart.
824 Trinket:  A miniature piano that can fit in the palm of your hand but still plays and sounds exactly like a full-sized one.
825 Trinket:  A petrified leaf.
826 Trinket:  The bloody pointed tooth of a famous vampire.
827 Trinket:  A loaf of bread you never ended up eating. It hasn’t gotten moldy, somehow.
828 Trinket:  A small fluegelhorn that cannot be played correctly, even in the hands of a master.
829 Trinket:  Eighteen miniature cabbage heads. They aren’t edible.
830 Trinket:  An unreadable note. The only words you can make out are “get the body bag Seymour.”
831 Trinket:  A list of ingredients to make a potion that makes everything taste faintly of cauliflower.
832 Trinket:  The ashes of your paternal figure.
833 Trinket:  A singing bee. It. Doesn’t seem to mind being kept in a jar.
834 Trinket:  A white cloak that cannot be stained by any means
835 Trinket:  A witch's undergarments. Why do you have this?! Seriously!
836 Trinket:  A beautiful sundress made by a blind seamstress
837 Trinket:  A collar that fits any creature it is placed on. It's got the cutest little bell affixed to the front of it.
838 Trinket:  A completely normal silk glove that you absolutely should not ask any questions about.
839 Trinket:  A tiny dragon figurine that is animated when put in direct sunlight. It's very friendly.
840 Trinket:  A painting of a baby that giggles when you look away from it.
841 Trinket:  A journal containing stories of the owner's adventures with a bugbear
842 Trinket:  A singular playing card. If you try to cheat with it, it laughs. It’s the ace of diamonds.
843 Trinket:  A set of very powerful rattle snake magnets
844 Trinket:  Five keys fused together in such a way that they could never open anything. You have nightmares of being burned alive whenever you sleep near it.
845 Trinket:  A hypercube that dings lightly every eight days, eight hours, eight minutes, and eight seconds.
846 Trinket:  A small chalkboard that can never be written on but shows a random word. If you ever try to erase it, a new word is shown.
847 Trinket:  A tiny stone angel in an unbreakable glass box. It moves whenever you're not looking.
848 Trinket:  A brown, thousand-page book with the word resurrection written a thousand times on each page.
849 Trinket:  A random trinket that turns itself into another random trinket at every twenty-five hours.
850 Trinket:  A ball of clay that grows a new eye every 1d4 hours. 1d4 hours later, that eye disappears. No matter what, the eyes are always staring into yours.
851 Trinket:  A small golden bell with a red velvet ribbon and no ringer. The bells chimes very faintly when in the presence of royalty.
852 Trinket:  A silver ring with an amethyst on it. It feels calming to put it on.
853 Trinket:  Two sweet smelling branches. Smelling them for too long makes you nauseous and gives you a headache.
854 Trinket:  A large skull of a were-chicken. Who knows how he got like that?
855 Trinket:  A tiny decorative anchor that glows slightly whenever a nearby creature teleports.
856 Trinket:  A brick that always feels slippery.
857 Trinket:  A large snow globe that houses a tiny kobold and his family.
858 Trinket:  A sacred chime that’s supposedly connected to faith and the gods.
859 Trinket:  A pair of leather gloves that can never get wet.
860 Trinket:  A singular strand of wire about three feet long. It shocks you frequently, even through something like leather.
861 Trinket:  An old and blue greatsword. There seems to be some magical properties attached to it, though it seems lifeless. Perhaps something happened?
862 Trinket:  Four jars with flaming butterflies inside. When broken, the butterflies ignite whatever it was broken over.
863 Trinket:  A collar that fits perfectly around your neck, and no other creature's. You feel a powerful sense of forbearance in its presence.
864 Trinket:  A septum piercing that causes the wearer to grow orc-like tusks.
865 Trinket:  An earring that causes the wearer's ears to point in an elfish fashion.
866 Trinket:  A golden tooth-cap that causes the wearer to grow a thick beard and/or chest hair.
867 Trinket:  A mummified goblin hand.
868 Trinket:  A piece of crystal that faintly glows in the moonlight.
869 Trinket:  A diary written in a language you don’t know
870 Trinket:  A gold coin minted in an unknown land..
871 Trinket:  A brass ring that never tarnishes.
872 Trinket:  An old chess piece made from glass.
873 Trinket:  A pair of knucklebone dice, each with a skull symbol on the side that would normally show six pips.
874 Trinket:  A small idol depicting a nightmarish creature that gives you unsettling dreams when you sleep near it.
875 Trinket:  A rope necklace from which dangles four mummified elf fingers.
876 Trinket:  The deed for a parcel of land in a realm unknown to you.
877 Trinket:  A 1-ounce block made from an unknown material.
878 Trinket:  A small cloth doll skewered with needles.
879 Trinket:  An enormous scale, perhaps from a dragon.
880 Trinket:  A tooth from an unknown beast.
881 Trinket:  A bright green feather.
882 Trinket:  An old divination card bearing your likeness.
883 Trinket:  A glass orb filled with moving smoke.
884 Trinket:  A 1-pound egg with a bright red shell.
885 Trinket:  A pipe that blows bubbles.
886 Trinket:  A glass jar containing a weird bit of flesh floating in pickling fluid.
887 Trinket:  A small wooden statuette of a smug halfling.
888 Trinket:  A tiny gnome-crafted music box that plays a song you dimly remember from your childhood.
889 Trinket:  A brass orb etched with strange runes.
890 Trinket:  A multicolored stone disk.
891 Trinket:  A tiny silver icon of a raven.
892 Trinket:  A bag containing forty-seven humanoid teeth, one of which is rotten.
893 Trinket:  A shard of obsidian that always feels warm to the touch.
894 Trinket:  A dragon's bony talon hanging from a plain leather necklace.
895 Trinket:  A pair of old socks.
896 Trinket:  A blank book whose pages refuse to hold ink, chalk, graphite, or any other substance for marking.
897 Trinket:  A silver badge in the shape of a five-pointed star.
898 Trinket:  A knife that belonged to a relative.
899 Trinket:  A glass vial filled with nail clippings.
900 Trinket:  A rectangular metal device with two tiny metal cups on one end that throws sparks when wet.
901 Trinket:  A picture you drew as a child of your imaginary friend.
902 Trinket:  Pallid leather gloves crafted with ivory fingernails.
903 Trinket:  A lock that opens when blood is dripped in its keyhole.
904 Trinket:  Dice made from the knuckles of a notorious charlatan.
905 Trinket:  Clothes stolen from a scarecrow.
906 Trinket:  A ring of keys for forgotten locks.
907 Trinket:  A spinning top carved with four faces: happy, sad, wrathful, and dead.
908 Trinket:  Nails from the coffin of a murderer.
909 Trinket:  The necklace of a sibling who died on the day you were born.
910 Trinket:  A key to the family crypt.
911 Trinket:  A wig from someone executed by beheading.
912 Trinket:  An bouquet of funerary flowers that always looks and smells fresh.
913 Trinket:  An unopened letter to you from your dying father.
914 Trinket:  A switch used to discipline you as a child.
915 Trinket:  A pocket watch that runs backward for an hour every midnight.
916 Trinket:  A music box that plays by itself whenever someone holding it dances.
917 Trinket:  A winter coat stolen from a dying soldier.
918 Trinket:  A walking cane with an iron ferrule that strikes sparks on stone.
919 Trinket:  A bottle of invisible ink that can only be read at sunset.
920 Trinket:  A flag from a ship lost at sea.
921 Trinket:  A wineskin that refills when interred with a dead person for a night.
922 Trinket:  Porcelain doll’s head that always seems to be looking at you.
923 Trinket:  A set of silverware used by a king for his last meal.
924 Trinket:  A wolf’s head wrought in silver that is also a whistle.
925 Trinket:  A spyglass that always shows the world suffering a terrible storm.
926 Trinket:  A small mirror that shows a much older version of the viewer.
927 Trinket:  A cameo with the profile’s face scratched away.
928 Trinket:  A small, worn book of children’s nursery rhymes.
929 Trinket:  A lantern with a black candle that never runs out and that burns with green flame.
930 Trinket:  A mummified raven claw.
931 Trinket:  A teacup from a child’s tea set, stained with blood.
932 Trinket:  A broken pendent of a silver dragon that’s always cold to the touch.
933 Trinket:  A little black book that records your dreams, and yours alone, when you sleep.
934 Trinket:  A small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night but you always forget it in the morning.
935 Trinket:  A necklace formed of the interlinked holy symbols of a dozen deities.
936 Trinket:  An inkwell that makes one a little nauseous when staring at it.
937 Trinket:  A hangman’s noose that feels heavier than it should.
938 Trinket:  An old little doll made from a dark, dense wood and missing a hand and a foot.
939 Trinket:  A birdcage into which small birds fly but once inside never eat or leave.
940 Trinket:  A black executioner’s hood.
941 Trinket:  A lepidopterist’s box filled dead moths with skull-like patterns on their wings.
942 Trinket:  A pouch made of flesh, with a sinew drawstring.
943 Trinket:  A jar of pickled ghouls’ tongue.
944 Trinket:  A tiny spool of black thread that never runs out.
945 Trinket:  The wooden hand of a notorious pirate.
946 Trinket:  A tiny clockwork figurine of a dancer that’s missing a gear and doesn’t work.
947 Trinket:  A urn with the ashes of a dead relative.
948 Trinket:  A black wooden pipe that creates puffs of smoke that look like skulls.
949 Trinket:  A hand mirror backed with a bronze depiction of a medusa.
950 Trinket:  A vial of perfume, the scent of which only certain creatures can detect.
951 Trinket:  A bag containing forty-seven humanoid teeth, one of which is rotten.
952 Trinket:  A four-leaf clover pressed inside a book discussing manners and etiquette.
953 Trinket:  A shard of obsidian that always feels warm to the touch.
954 Trinket:  A sheet of parchment upon which is drawn a complex mechanical contraption.
955 Trinket:  A dragon's bony talon hanging from a plain leather necklace.
956 Trinket:  An ornate scabbard that fits no blade you have found so far.
957 Trinket:  An invitation to a party where a murder happened.
958 Trinket:  A blank book whose pages refuse to hold ink, chalk, graphite, or any other substance for marking.
959 Trinket:  A bronze pentacle with an etching of a rat's head in its center.
960 Trinket:  A silver badge in the shape of a five-pointed star.
961 Trinket:  A purple handkerchief embroidered with the name of a powerful archmage.
962 Trinket:  A knife that belonged to a relative.
963 Trinket:  Half of a floorplan for a temple, castle, or some other structure.
964 Trinket:  A glass vial filled with nail clippings.
965 Trinket:  A bit of folded cloth that, when unfolded, turns into a stylish cap.
966 Trinket:  A rectangular metal device with two tiny metal cups on one end that throws sparks when wet.
967 Trinket:  A receipt of deposit at a bank in a far-flung city.
968 Trinket:  A white, sequined glove sized for a human.
969 Trinket:  A diary with seven missing pages.
970 Trinket:  A vest with one hundred tiny pockets.
971 Trinket:  An empty silver snuff box bearing an inscription on the surface that says "dreams".
972 Trinket:  A small, weightless stone block.
973 Trinket:  An iron holy symbol devoted to an unknown god.
974 Trinket:  A tiny sketch portrait of a goblin.
975 Trinket:  A book that tells the story of a legendary hero's rise and fall, with the last chapter missing.
976 Trinket:  An empty glass vial that smells of perfume when opened.
977 Trinket:  A gemstone that looks like a lump of coal when examined by anyone but you.
978 Trinket:  An ancient arrow of elven design.
979 Trinket:  A scrap of cloth from an old banner.
980 Trinket:  A needle that never bends.
981 Trinket:  A rank insignia from a lost legionnaire.
982 Trinket:  An ornate brooch of dwarven design.
983 Trinket:  A tiny silver bell without a clapper.
984 Trinket:  An empty wine bottle bearing a pretty label that says, "The Wizard of Wines Winery, Red Dragon Crush, 331422-W".
985 Trinket:  A mechanical canary inside a gnomish lamp.
986 Trinket:  A mosaic tile with a multicolored, glazed surface.
987 Trinket:  A tiny chest carved to look like it has numerous feet on the bottom.
988 Trinket:  A petrified mouse.
989 Trinket:  A dead sprite inside a clear glass bottle.
990 Trinket:  A black pirate flag adorned with a dragon's skull and crossbones.
991 Trinket:  A metal can that has no opening but sounds as if it is filled with liquid, sand, spiders, or broken glass (your choice).
992 Trinket:  A tiny mechanical crab or spider that moves about when it’s not being observed.
993 Trinket:  A glass orb filled with water, in which swims a clockwork goldfish.
994 Trinket:  A glass jar containing lard with a label that reads, “Griffon Grease”.
995 Trinket:  A silver spoon with an M engraved on the handle.
996 Trinket:  A wooden box with a ceramic bottom that holds a living worm with a head on each end of its body.
997 Trinket:  A whistle made from gold-colored wood.
998 Trinket:  A metal urn containing the ashes of a hero.
999 Trinket:  A crystal knob from a door.
1000 Trinket:  A piece of paper with an undistinguishable face on it.
1001 Trinket:  A compass that always points to a large city familiar to you.
1002 Trinket:  A book filled with writing that only appears when the book is held underwater.
1003 Trinket:  A paper fan that won't produce a breeze no matter how hard it's waved.
1004 Trinket:  A sealed envelope made of red leather that you haven’t been able to open. It smells of campfire.
1005 Trinket:  A petrified potato that resembles someone important to you.
1006 Trinket:  A locket of hair that is rumored to have come from a famed fire genasi.
1007 Trinket:  A glass cup that can only be filled half way no matter how much liquid is poured into it.
1008 Trinket:  Flint and steel that, when used to start a fire, creates a random colored flame.
1009 Trinket:  A mirror that only shows the back of your head.
1010 Trinket:  A blank piece of wet parchment that never seems to dry.
1011 Trinket:  A small glass bird that when set down near water dips its head in as if to get a drink.
1012 Trinket:  A small puzzle box made of brass, that is slightly warm to the touch.
1013 Trinket:  A lady's coin purse containing two sharp fangs.
1014 Trinket:  A cloudy chunk of glass that is said to hold a spark of breath from a blue dragon.
1015 Trinket:  A small sea conch with the words "From the beginning" painted on the lip.
1016 Trinket:  A crude chalice made of coal.
1017 Trinket:  A frost-covered silver locket that's frozen shut.
1018 Trinket:  A miniature brass horn, silent when played, but fills the air with the scent of warm and exotic spices.
1019 Trinket:  A seal which imprints a mysterious, unknown coat of arms into hard rock.
1020 Trinket:  An eye-sized blue pearl that floats in salt water.
1021 Trinket:  A small wooden doll that when held brings back fond memories.
1022 Trinket:  A tuning fork made from a dark metal which glows with a pale, white light during thunderstorms.
1023 Trinket:  A small hand mirror which only reflects inanimate objects.
1024 Trinket:  A small vial that is always filled with the smell of autumn wind.
1025 Trinket:  A glass eyeball that looks about of its own accordance, and can roll around.
1026 Trinket:  A clear marble that slowly rolls toward the nearest source of running water.
1027 Trinket:  A glass orb that replicates yesterday's weather inside itself.
1028 Trinket:  A small collapsible silver cup that perspires constantly when opened.
1029 Trinket:  A drinking cup, that randomly fills with fresh or salt water. Refilling once emptied.
1030 Trinket:  An hourglass that tells time with falling mist instead of sand.
1031 Trinket:  A deep blue piece of flint, that when struck with steel produces not a spark but a drop of water.
1032 Trinket:  An ornate razor, which only cuts in freezing cold temperature.
1033 Trinket:  A conch shell which is always damp and constantly drips saltwater.
1034 Trinket:  A shark tooth covered in tiny etched words from a lost language.
1035 Trinket:  A charred, half-melted pewter clasp that glows as if smoldering but releases no heat.
1036 Trinket:  A large brass coin with no markings or images on it.
1037 Trinket:  A clockwork finch that flaps its wings in the presence of a breeze.
1038 Trinket:  A small wooden box filled with a strange red clay.
1039 Trinket:  A unbreakable sealed jar of glowing water that hums when shaken.
1040 Trinket:  A necklace with a small, rusted iron anchor.
1041 Trinket:  A small, finely polished geode whose crystals slowly fade between every color of the spectrum.
1042 Trinket:  A small brass flute adorned with silver wire that is always faintly sounding.
1043 Trinket:  A rough stone eye pulled from a petrified creature.
1044 Trinket:  A red and black Aarakocra feather.
1045 Trinket:  A stone smoking pipe that never needs lighting.
1046 Trinket:  A palm-sized stone with a hole in it, through which can be heard a constantly whispering wind.
1047 Trinket:  A small whistle, that when blown, whispers a name of a person or place unknown to you, instead of the whistle sound.
1048 Trinket:  A small conch shell covered in black crystal.
1049 Trinket:  A fist sized rock that "beats" like a heart.
1050 Trinket:  A small music box made of brass. It features a pair of tiny automatons that resemble Azer working at a forge.
1051 Trinket:  A pair of bronze scissors in the shape of a pair of leaping dolphins.
1052 Trinket:  A glass jar containing the preserved corpse of an unfamiliar aquatic creature.
1053 Trinket:  A bronze oil lamp which is rumored to have once held a genie.
1054 Trinket:  A piece of petrified wood carved into the shape of a seashell.
1055 Trinket:  A single gauntlet inscribed with a fire motif and an unfamiliar name in Primordial.
1056 Trinket:  A wooden puzzle cube covered in elemental symbols.
1057 Trinket:  A one-eyed little fish inside a spherical vial, much bigger than the vial's neck. He has a cunning look.
1058 Trinket:  A small stone cube that acts as a magnet when placed against another stone.
1059 Trinket:  The tiny skull of a rabbit that whispers scathing insults when nobody is looking.
1060 Trinket:  A ring made of a white metal. On the inside is a name etched in Auran.
1061 Trinket:  A rag doll in the likeness of an owlbear.
1062 Trinket:  A bracelet made of silvered fish hooks.
1063 Trinket:  The desiccated body of a small eight-legged black lizard.
1064 Trinket:  A journal filled with poetry hand-written in Primordial.
1065 Trinket:  A small toy boat made with a walnut shell, toothpick, and piece of cloth.
1066 Trinket:  A yellow gemstone that glows dimly when a storm is nearby.
1067 Trinket:  A small pocket mirror that slowly fogs over while held.
1068 Trinket:  A charred chisel with an unfamiliar symbol stamped into its base.
1069 Trinket:  Wind chimes that glow when the wind blows.
1070 Trinket:  A canteen filled with a foul smelling orange mud.
1071 Trinket:  A small, clay square with an unknown rune etched into one side.
1072 Trinket:  A faceless doll made of driftwood.
1073 Trinket:  A tea kettle that heats itself when filled with water.
1074 Trinket:  A heavy iron key bearing the name of a ship long lost to the sea.
1075 Trinket:  An old scratched monocle which shows an underwater landscape whenever someone looks through it.
1076 Trinket:  A small jewelry box made from the shell of a turtle.
1077 Trinket:  A rose carved from coral.
1078 Trinket:  A chess piece fashioned to look like fire myrmidon.
1079 Trinket:  A set of dice with elemental symbols and primordial runes instead of pips or numbers.
1080 Trinket:  A spinning top with an image of one of the four elements on each side.
1081 Trinket:  A amulet filled with liquid that churns, freezes, or boils to match its wearer's mood.
1082 Trinket:  A single hoop earring made of a porous red stone.
1083 Trinket:  A small silver bell that makes a sound like quiet, distant thunder when it's struck.
1084 Trinket:  An arrowhead carved from seasalt
1085 Trinket:  A small vial of black sand that glows slightly in the moonlight.
1086 Trinket:  A small comb made of blue coral.
1087 Trinket:  A small whale tooth with etched with an image of waves crashing upon a beach.
1088 Trinket:  Seven small beads of sandstone on a string, all different colors.
1089 Trinket:  An hourglass in which the sands pour upward instead of downward.
1090 Trinket:  A romance chapbook written in undercommon titled "Just one Layer of Grey".
1091 Trinket:  A glass pendant with a hole in the center that a mild breeze always blows out of.
1092 Trinket:  A tiny, broken clockwork Harpy.
1093 Trinket:  A soft feather that falls like a stone when dropped.
1094 Trinket:  An ivory whale statuette.
1095 Trinket:  A large transparent gem that, when gripped tightly, whispers in Terran.
1096 Trinket:  A fist-sized cog, covered in barnacles.
1097 Trinket:  A small crystal snow globe that, when shaken, seems to form silhouettes of dancing forms.
1098 Trinket:  An eyepatch made of obsidian and a black leather cord.
1099 Trinket:  Half of a palm-sized geode that pulses dimly with purple light.
1100 Trinket:  A glass bottle with a tiny ship of unfamiliar design inside.
1101 Trinket:  A small wooden carving of a jackalope.
1102 Trinket:  A bracket that changes colors depending on the day of the week.
1103 Trinket:  A pair of bronze earrings that show a hidden inscription when blood touches them.
1104 Trinket:  A white, sequined glove sized for a human.
1105 Trinket:  A small, weightless stone block.
1106 Trinket:  A vest with one hundred tiny pockets.
1107 Trinket:  A tiny sketch portrait of a goblin.
1108 Trinket:  An empty glass vial that smells of perfume when opened.
1109 Trinket:  A gemstone that looks like a lump of coal when examined by anyone but you.
1110 Trinket:  A scrap of cloth from an old banner.
1111 Trinket:  A rank insignia from a lost legionnaire.
1112 Trinket:  A tiny silver bell without a clapper.
1113 Trinket:  A small, mechanical owl that (when not stowed) hoots at midnight.
1114 Trinket:  Ink and Quill, but the quill will not take the ink.
1115 Trinket:  A scabbard for a longsword with a 5-inch section of rusted steel blade inside.
1116 Trinket:  A gold ring that glows with strange runes when heated with a flame.
1117 Trinket:  A worn wooden plank that, after nightfall, makes the faint sound of a beating heart.
1118 Trinket:  A sealed glass jar of sourdough starter, given to you by an old woman two days ago.
1119 Trinket:  A copper coin that weighs 1 pound.
1120 Trinket:  A small wooden box with the word "jail" burned into the side. Inside is are three worn dice made of bone.
1121 Trinket:  A belt pouch filled with dried catnip.
1122 Trinket:  A worn, but still strong, stick.
1123 Trinket:  A small wooden box that holds two identical, 1-inch diameter silver spheres inside.
1124 Trinket:  A rusted dagger, that no matter how much you try to polish it, is always rusted.
1125 Trinket:  An eyeball floating in a small jar of clear fluid. The iris reacts to changing amounts of light.
1126 Trinket:  A bottle of liquid with a paper label adhered to it. It bears only a single word, in gnomish: Oops.
1127 Trinket:  A large, perfectly red apple. It is carved from wood and painted.
1128 Trinket:  An apple, that when eaten, has the flavor of cinnamon already inside it.
1129 Trinket:  A small book of recipes. Every page, except for one, is stained from years of use.
1130 Trinket:  A deck of cards, with every card bearing a different crudely drawn, inappropriate image.
1131 Trinket:  A sealed glass jar containing what appears to be a pair of snake skins.
1132 Trinket:  A stack of 48 copper coins, tightly rolled up in a piece of paper. The paper is labeled with the number 50.
1133 Trinket:  A circle of wood, cut from a tree and stained, covered with hundreds of small holes and cuts on one side.
1134 Trinket:  A dagger, expertly carved from a single piece of wood.
1135 Trinket:  A flat, curved piece of wood that when thrown, either returns to your location or lands on the closest roof if it doesn't hit anything.
1136 Trinket:  A set of three eating utensils. The knife is etched with "spoon", the spoon is etched with "fork", and the fork is etched with "knife".
1137 Trinket:  A irregularly shaped pearl that always feels cool to the touch.
1138 Trinket:  A wooden cube etched with lines that divide each side into 9 squares. The squares are randomly painted in six different colors.
1139 Trinket:  A vial that appears to be filled with a potion of healing, but the liquid inside never comes out of the vial.
1140 Trinket:  A small, flat bladder with one opening that can be folded over to close it off. It makes embarrassing sounds when squeezed.
1141 Trinket:  A pouch with a dozen small, matching glass spheres inside. Stitched into the pouch is the name "Gideon".
1142 Trinket:  A covered basket that is just large enough to hold a single meal's worth of food for one person. It is always cold inside.
1143 Trinket:  A piece of polished amber with a 2-inch long mosquito preserved in the center of it.
1144 Trinket:  A single blue sock that never gets wet.
1145 Trinket:  A single red sock that is always warm.
1146 Trinket:  A book entitled "The Meaning of Life", which has only 1 page inside. The page is blank.
1147 Trinket:  A green crystalline key, which seems to be unbreakable and always sparkles in the least amount of light.
1148 Trinket:  A book of written gibberish, which has one line that clearly reads, "It will happen in the City of Greed, when the Sun is Highest on the Longest Day."
1149 Trinket:  A mummified duck foot.
1150 Trinket:  A bronze sword hilt that bears runes in an unknown language.
1151 Trinket:  A love letter written to the orcish warlord Durgak Stone-Fist, addressed from the high-elven princess Aleria Ulathi. You have no idea who either of these people are, but the letter is lovely.
1152 Trinket:  A lovingly crafted wand made from ivory an finely carved sequoia. It clearly held some great power at one point, but the cracked gemstone at the end implies that that magic is lost.
1153 Trinket:  A splinter from an outlander's shield, that when held fills you with courage and hope.
1154 Trinket:  A handheld cauldron, that always is a little hot.
1155 Trinket:  A cold but always lit candle.
1156 Trinket:  A colored piece of bread.
1157 Trinket:  A burnt and unreadable scroll given to you.
1158 Trinket:  A uniquely colored pill.
1159 Trinket:  A palm-sized iron cage: the door doesn't shut properly, as the tiny lock was broken from the inside.
1160 Trinket:  An invitation to a formal ball to be held in two years time.
1161 Trinket:  A floating glass orb that follows you around and makes whirring sounds.
1162 Trinket:  A goblin-made key that can lock any door, but unlock none.
1163 Trinket:  A translucent coin, minted in an unknown land.
1164 Trinket:  A bronze ring engraved with dark symbols that was supposedly buried with a legendary necromancer long ago.
1165 Trinket:  A ring carved with the unfinished insignia to a defunct secret organization.
1166 Trinket:  A thimble on which is an enamel painting of a turtle.
1167 Trinket:  A puzzle box holding 10 fingernail clippings.
1168 Trinket:  A pair of badly worn hairdressing scissors.
1169 Trinket:  A bag filled with the smell of pastries.
1170 Trinket:  A small metal bell that seems to be missing the clapper.
1171 Trinket:  A genie’s golden arm bracelets.
1172 Trinket:  A single fiery strand of hair from a fire genasi.
1173 Trinket:  A crystal orb that sees into the past… two seconds ago.
1174 Trinket:  A piece of parchment, that reflects things like a mirror but in pencil, when you see your own reflection you feel unexplainable dread.
1175 Trinket:  A living drawing of a cow grazing.
1176 Trinket:  A silver coin that has heads on both sides. A deep scratch is etched into one side
1177 Trinket:  A red blindfold, covered in strange teal liquid
1178 Trinket:  A skeletal kitten in a jar. Any item placed near it and the edge of a surface is knocked over when nobody is looking.
1179 Trinket:  A glass orb filled with a tiny ooze. It has a sprite skull inside of it.
1180 Trinket:  A ash elemental in a bottle, made from the ashes of your dead grandfather.
1181 Trinket:  A wooden carving of a brain. It grows warm when you think hard enough.
1182 Trinket:  A tea set in a traveling case. If you use the tea set, the tea will always taste a bit tart, regardless of how much sugar you add
1183 Trinket:  A red silk hankerchief with an "A" embroidered in gold.
1184 Trinket:  A silver locket with the photo of a young woman.
1185 Trinket:  A gold rose pendant that smells like a fresh rose.
1186 Trinket:  A ring, when worn, appears to constantly move around the finger.
1187 Trinket:  A small framed image that looks like a swirling mess of colors, but when stared at for more than 30 seconds, shows a painting of a pristine valley.
1188 Trinket:  A rabbit's foot.
1189 Trinket:  Three links of a silver chain. Each link is engraved with tiny symbols or unknown origin.
1190 Trinket:  A map showing an island in the middle of an unknown ocean.
1191 Trinket:  An ornate gnomish lever to an unknown device.
1192 Trinket:  A pin in the shape of a leaf, made of green glass.
1193 Trinket:  A small journal about a fictional bear that loves honey.
1194 Trinket:  A vial with a label that reads "essence of yellow ochre".
1195 Trinket:  A steel 'joker' playing card.
1196 Trinket:  A black 'knight' chess piece that moves it's head like a living horse.
1197 Trinket:  A naturally formed stone that is shaped like a woman lying down.
1198 Trinket:  A mushroom paperweight made of iron.
1199 Trinket:  A small, jade statuette of a mermaid sitting on a rock.
1200 Trinket:  A miniature wagon wheel.

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