Gods & Demigods

Marthammor Duin

(pronounced mar-THAM-mor DOO-ihn)
Finder-of-Trails, Watcher over Wanderers, the Watchful Eye
Lesser Deity
Marthammor Duin
Marthammor Duin is the God of Travel and Exploration in the Morndinsamman, the Dwarven Pantheon. He contested this role for a short time with Muamman Duathal, but ultimately wrested it from that rival and subsumed him.

The most conservative dwarves pledge that the Stout Folk belong underground, and that those who travel the Realm Above (known collectively among the dwarven culture as Wanderers) have at worst betrayed ancient ideals and at best are somewhat disturbed fools. If the latter is the case, the young dwarven deity Marthammor Duin (Mat-tham-more doo-ihn) is the grand king of fools. The patron of those dwarves who have left the clanholds to explore the world under the sun, Marthammor approaches life with an almost gnome-like demeanor, always curious to see what's beyond the horizon and always willing to trade stories of travels past beside a crackling campfire. His is the rare spirit of dwarven exploration embodied in divine form, the spark of curiosity his followers equate with a quick burst of lightning from the open skies.

Other Aspect

Marthammor has an aspect named Muamman Duathal, god of wanderers and expatriates; this aspect has a considerably smaller clergy than Marthammor, but Nanteuil of Daggerford is a fairly well-known follower.

Worshipers, Clergy & Temples

Marthammor is well regarded by wanderers and travelers. The Watcher's advocacy of racial integration, exploration, and adventure is little understood by the hidden, shield dwarves who remain cloistered in isolated dwarven holds deep in the mountains. Most shield dwarves look at the Finder-of-Trails and his priests with incomprehension, not antipathy. Marthammor's clergy represent one of the most widely recognized dwarven churches of the surface wide, particularly in the North.

Marthammor's priests mark wilderness trails near dwarven strongholds to make the path of those that might follow from the clanholds easier. Priests of Marthammor patrol these ways, healing and guiding dwarves they meet, providing a warm fire, a hot meal, and friendly companionship to exhausted, lonely, lost or hurt dwarves-of any faith or race. They also establish way-caches of food and supplies (spare boots, clothing, weapons, drinking-water, bandages and splints, fire-making supplies, and the like) along these trails.

Priests of Marthammor work with healers and priests of all races to help dwarves, allies, and companions of dwarves. While they do not accompany adventurers, they are in a sense adventurers themselves, often fighting monsters, discovering ruins, and facing the same perils that adventurers do. Travelers in the North-especially the northern Sword Coast region- often encounter small bands of 3d4 dwarven priests of Marthammor. Such bands do not reveal their clerical status unless they are dealing with dwarves or known dwarven allies or companions. The ghosts of diligent servants of Marthammor are said to haunt certain trails, old abandoned delves, and mountain passes. When dwarves or dwarven allies or companions are lost in such places, particularly in blizzards or storms, the phantom priests appear, gesturing silently, and guide the travelers along a safe route to refuge or their destination.


Priests of Marthammor garb themselves in gray robes and maroon overtunics emblazoned on both the front and back with the symbol of Marthammor. The holy symbol of the faith is a miniature electrum hammer.

When traveling and adventuring, priests of Marthammor favor cloaks of gray or mottled green, brown, and gray over any sort of armor, including a helm if desired. While Watchful Eyes may employ any sort of bludgeoning weapon, they prefer hammers and staves, both weapons associated with the Finder.


Marthammor's clergy are known as the volamtar ("blazers of fresh trails"). Specialty priests are called Trailblazers. Novitiates in the priesthood are called the Lost, whilst full priests are Watchful Eyes, who ascend through the ransks of Sun Seeker, Far Wanderer, Trail Finder, Vigilant Guardian, Stalward Protector, and Valiant Hammer. High Old Ones have unique individual titles.


Marthammor is worshiped on the bare heights of stony tors on moonless nights, or on holy days and for important rituals, in underground caverns. The caverns must always be natural, unaltered by the hands of intelligent beings. No matter where it is located, an altar to Marthammor is always a simple stone cairn or wooden tripod, supporting a stone hammer, head upright. Temples of the Finder-of-Trails are scattered across the northlands, typically in the foothills midway between the traditional mountain territories of the dwarves and the human cities of the plains.


Marthammor's priests pray for their spells in the morning. Followers of Marthammor celebrate numerous holy days during the year. Each festival day and nine days after each festival day is considered holy to Marthammor. On most holy days, and at least once a year for each worshiper, followers of the Finder-of-Trails must burn used ironwork and dwarf-made footwear in homage to the Watcher.

Midwinter and the ninth of Alturiak are known to the faithful as the Rooting and the Rebirth respectively. The former holy day celebrates the reforging ties to the mountain homelands, and the latter celebrates the reemergence of dwarven wanderers from their mountain fastnesses. Greengrass and the ninth of Mirtul are known to the faithful as the Wind and the Wayfaring respectively. The former celebrates new discoveries and the latter celebrates extended sojourns in the homelands of other races.

Midsummer and the ninth of Eleasias are known to the faithful as the Hammer and the Anvil. These holy days celebrate dwarven craftsmanship and creativity. Shieldmeet is celebrated as the Shepherding, a day when dwarven wanderers are expected to introduce the hidden to their human and demihuman neighbors.

Highharvestide and the ninth of Leafall are celebrated as the Thunderbolt and the Fulmination. On these days followers of the Finder-of-Trails pray for guidance in any upcoming battles of the Stout Folk.

Finally, The Feast of the Moon and the ninth of Nightal are celebrated as the Beacon and the Runestone respectively. These holy days celebrate the path revealed by Marthammor and the knowledge learned by interacting with other cultures.


While Marthammor's clergy regularly assists adventuring dwarves, few priests actually become adventurers. The Knights of the North Star are a widely dispersed order of Marthammoran priests who individually join adventuring companies based in the North composed primarily of humans and demihumans of other races. Members of the order seek to learn more of their companions' cultures, so as to ease the integration of Wanderer dwarves into other societies, and to direct the efforts of such adventuring companies toward activities consistent with the goals of dwarves in general. At least once per year each knight must deliver an oral or written report to the most convenient Marthammoran enclave.


Eschew the illusory safety of the clan hold and instead travel widely to spread the words of the Morndinsamman to those of other races, that they might gain the product of dwarven wisdom. Help fellow wanderers and sojourners to the best of your ability, for the road is easier endured amid the tread of companionship. Seek out new ways and paths, and discover the wise world in your wanderings. Herald the way of newfound hope.

Appearance, Manifestations

Marthammor appears a large dwarf with burnt umber hair, braided together with his beard in a utilitarian style. He wears a simple hooded traveling cloak, and a comfortable tunic and breeches.

Relationships & History

Other members of the dwarven pantheon saw Marthammor's behavior as 'antics' and hoped his interest in the world above would soon pass. Moradin was grateful that at least his youngest son was more disciplined than Dugmaren, one of Marthammor's greatest friends.

He hated the gods of orcs, goblins and giants and held special enmity for the hill giant god Grolantor.

Related Imagery

Below are images related to the deity. Most of these images were created by this website, and are meant for PERSONAL USE only (if you wish to use these images for commercial purposes, please contact us). These images are for individual DMs to use in personal campaigns, to provide visual cues and examples for their players. If you wish to submit an images to this site, please contact us. If you wish to make a request, please contact us (individual requests are not always granted or guaranteed). Please support this site for more resources.

Quick Descriptions:
Marthammor is a large dwarf with burnt umber hair, braided together with his beard in a utilitarian style. He is wearing a simple hooded traveling cloak, and a comfortable tunic and breeches.
Under the moonlight, you see a rocky stony tor (a natural pile of rocks on the top of a hill) with a simple stone cairn resting at the top. The cairn supports a stone hammer, head upright.
Marthammor's cleric has a full head of hair and a well-groomed thick brown beard split into two braids. He is wearing a gray robe with a maroon overtunic emblazoned on both the front and back with the symbol of Marthammor. Around his neck is a miniature electrum hammer on a thin chain. Hooked to his leather belt is a mace.
The Symbol of Marthammor Duin - Upright mace infront of a fur-trimmed leather boot
Symbol: Upright mace infront of a fur-trimmed leather boot
God Alignment: NG
Worshipers Alignment
Dwarf, Good, Protection, Travel
Guides, explorers, expatriates, travelers, lightning
Dwarves, fighters, rangers, travelers
Plane: Dwarfhome
Weapon: Heavy mace

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Marthammor Duin

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Burlap sacks with the symbol of Marthammor Duin on the side.
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