Gods & Demigods

Xan Yae

(pronounced ZAN-yay)
Lady of Perfection, the Perfect Mistress, Supreme Mistress of Petals
Lesser Deity
Xan Yae
Xan Yae is the gentle goddess of moderation and balance who seeks to avoid extremes, teaching that happiness is found inside once balance is achieved. Mystic power flows naturally from this balance. She is seen as a perfectionist and a harsh teacher. Her cult is very small and elite. Psychics and monks use her as a model in their meditations.

Xan Yae is the Baklunish goddess of Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, and Mental Power. Xan Yae is an ascended mortal sponsored by Istus.

Worshipers, Clergy & Temples

Xan Yae, the Perfect Mistress has some measure of popularity among rogues and monks, thieves and less savory sorts, young lovers, and those of cautious nature. Xan Yae's worshippers seek out dungeons and labyrinths full of hidden lore.


Xan Yae's clerics are agents of harmony and discipline, seeking out extreme alignments and factions and bringing them toward balance. They train others in the martial and mental arts, study with gurus, and seek out evidence of the Universal Mind. They are active in seeking to change the world.

There are three great universal principles in Xan Yae's philosophy:

The Universal Mind: This is the creator and sustainer of the universe. One mind is all minds.

Perpetual Harmony: Symmetry and balance between Good and Evil and all things. When the individual achieves a similar state of balance, harmony with nature can be attained.

Internal Peace: The mastery of the mental and martial arts can be combined to attain a higher level of existence.


Xan Yae's clerics wear cloaks of gray and typically carry falchions or those weapons associated with monks.


Because she teaches mastery of the unseen, Xan Yae's temples and monasteries are usually very hard to find, typically in secluded settings. In urban areas they tend to be large but disguised as some other form of building.


Xan Yae's clerics pray for spells at dusk. Her services include dance-like exercises, meditation, reading, chanting, and prayer. The light is always shadowy and dim, and breezes tinkle bells and chimes to create peaceful background noise.

Holy Days

Worshipers of Xan Yae celebrate the following holy days:

Autumnal Equinox: This holy day marks the day of balance between darkness and light. Two ceremonies are held on this day, one at dawn and another at dusk, and during these ceremonies neophytes are initiated into the greater body of the church.

Day of the Legion Will: On this day, every member of the church meditates from sunrise to sunset, as deeply as they can, attempting to come in direct contact with the Universal Mind and bend the fabric of existence with the collective will of the church.


Reality depends upon three metaphysical ideals: the Universal Mind (the universe and all things in it exist because the mind created them and maintain them), the Perpetual Harmony (life is balanced, symmetry is in all things, achieving a similar state puts one in harmony with nature), and Internal Peace (martial and mental activities must be mastered to attain a higher level of existence). Flamboyance and wasted energy have no place in the Lady's realm. The extremes of evil and good must be sought out and tempered with harmony to maintain balance.

Appearance, Manifestations

Xan Yae appears as a Baklunish human of any age or sex, slender and graceful, wielding a pair of magical falchions that she can shrink to easily conceal. She is usually dressed in cloth of dove gray, dusty rose, or golden orange.

Relationships & History

Xan Yae was served by the demigod, Zuoken, before he vanished. She is a close ally of the Cat Lord, Rexfelis, and opposes Pholtus and Pyremius. She is also allied with Kurell.
Quick Descriptions:
Xan Yae is a slender and graceful Baklunish female with long dark hair braided down her back. She is dressed in a dusty rose tunic and tight golden orange pants. She is wielding a pair of falchions.
In the center of the city is a two story structure with no signs or mentions of Xan Yae. The structure actually connects to various other buildings, and the entire "temple" spans the whole block. Inside the entryway is a small table manned by a young man in a gray robe. He welcomes you and asks how you can be of service to Xan Yae?
Xan Yae's priest is a thin, but strong, male with strong eyes and short dark hair. He is wearing a long gray cloak and a form fitting shirt and breeches. He is barfoot and has a falchion at his hip.
The Symbol of Xan Yae - Black lotus blossom
Symbol: Black lotus blossom
God Alignment: N
Worshipers Alignment
Twilight, shadows, stealth, mastery of mind over matter
Monks, martial artists, rogues, thieves, young lovers
Plane: Outlands (Tower of Iron Will)
Weapon: Falchion
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