Ares is the god of war or, more properly, the spirit of battle. More directly, he is the personification of the savage side of war. He is fond of strife, anger, and unrestrained bloodletting. He also is jealous, untrustworthy, and easily offended. In Rome, Ares was known by the name of Mars.
Ares's clerics do whatever they can to promote strife and open warfare. Many serve as generals or military advisers to aggressive rulers. Still others lead bands of bloodthirsty raiders that terrorize the countryside. When not actually fighting or plotting, they train in the arts of war. Many clerics of Ares are cleric/fighters or cleric/barbarians.
Ares's clerics oppose clerics of Athena wherever and whenever they can. Wherever the two sects meet, blood is sure to flow.
Ares's clerics prefer crimson garb, usually wearing simple garments that allow for quick movement. Most wear a crimson tunica under a bronze or silver curiass. They always have a weapon available, typically a half spear and shield.
Temples to Ares are rare. They are usually forbidding fortresses built to intimidate civilians and serve as bases for raiding or other military action.
The world is a cruel and terrible place where only the strong have a right to happiness. Answer every insult, lie when necessary, and covet what is not yours. All these acts can lead one into the joy of battle.
Ares usually appears as a large man with burning, hateful eyes and a permanent scowl etched across his face. He is usually bare chested, with a red cape, carrying a half spear and a circular bronze shield.
Ares was a son of Zeus, the King of the Gods, and Hera, the goddess of marriage. His siblings include Eilithyia (the goddess of childbirth), Hebe (the goddess of youth) and Hephaestus (the god of Metallurgy). Ares' secret mistress was Aphrodite, the goddess of Love and Beauty.
Among Ares' children with Aphrodite were Himeros (desire), Pothos (desire), Phobos (fear), Deimos (terror), Armonia (harmony), Eros (love) and Anteros (mutual love). Ares also had one daughter with Aglaulus called Alcippe, who was raped by Allirothios, a son of Poseidon.