Death Domain Deities - D&D Deities, Gods and Demigods

Death Domain Deities

Death Domain Deities

Death Domain

The Death domain is concerned with the forces that cause death, as well as the negative energy that gives rise to undead creatures. Deities such as Myrkul and Wee Jas are patrons of necromancers, death knights, liches, mummy lords, and vampires. Gods of the Death domain also embody murder (Anubis), pain (Iuz or Loviatar), disease or poison (Talona or Incabulos), and the underworld (Hades and Hel).

Note: We are currently adding custom images for every deity - but this will take time. We have completed the faerunian deities and are currently working on the Greyhawk deities (along with some major race's deities). Please be patient. There are still TONS of information for all the listed deities.

Domain: Death
Rank: I
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Sea, storms
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Strength, Water
Worshipers: Sailors, anyone traveling by sea
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: Q
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Murder, death
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Retribution
Worshipers: Assassins, murderers, compulsive killers, serial killers
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: I
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Hunting, combat, hill giants
Domains: Chaos, Death, Earth, Evil, Hatred
Worshipers: Hill giants
Pantheon: Giant
Rank: G
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Death, underworld, earth, wealth
Domains: Death, Grave, Earth, Evil
Worshipers: Necromancers, assassins, rogues, murderers, dwarves
Pantheon: Olympian
Rank: I
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Death, underworld
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil
Worshipers: All who fear death
Pantheon: Asgardian
Rank: G
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Disasters, drought, famine, nightmares, plagues, sickness
Domains: Death
Worshipers: Cultists, the paranoid, the mad, half-orcs, orcs, hobgoblins, other evil creatures
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: I
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Pride, mental prowess, control
Domains: Death, Evil, Mentalism, Rune
Worshipers: Giants, evil cloud giants
Pantheon: Giant
Rank: Q
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Death, decay, old age, exhaustion, dusk, autumn
Domains: Death
Worshipers: Evil mages and cultists, necromancers, undertakers, and powerful undead
Pantheon: Faerûn
Rank: G
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Death, darkness, murder, underworld
Domains: Death, Evil
Worshipers: Necromancers, assassins, rogues, murderers
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: I
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Negative energy, darkness, destruction
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Strength
Worshipers: Undead, evil and neutral mortals, monsters
Pantheon: Following the Light
Rank: L
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Secrets, intrigue
Domains: Arcana, Death, Evil, Knowledge, Magic
Worshipers: Wizards, sorcerers, conspirators
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: I
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Death, magic, vanity, law
Domains: Arcana, Grave, Death, Order, Law, Magic
Worshipers: Necromancers, wizards
Pantheon: Greyhawk
Rank: L
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Death, disease
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Orc, Suffering
Worshipers: Assassins, monks, orcs
Pantheon: Orc
Ranks: Greater[G], Intermediate[I], Lesser[L], Demigod[D]
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