Halfling Pantheon - D&D Deities, Gods and Demigods

Halfling Pantheon

Halfling Pantheon
Note: We are currently adding custom images for every deity - but this will take time. We have completed the faerunian deities and are currently working on the Greyhawk deities (along with some major race's deities). Please be patient. There are still TONS of information for all the listed deities.

Pantheon: Halfling
Rank: I
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Defense, war, vigilance, halfling warriors, duty, halflings
Domains: Good, Halfling, Law, Protection
Worshipers: Halflings, fighters, paladins, rangers, soldiers, warriors
Pantheon: Halfling
Rank: L
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Stealth, thievery, adventuring, halfling rogues
Domains: Halfling, Luck, Travel, Trickery
Worshipers: Adventurers, bards, halflings, risk takers, rogues
Pantheon: Halfling
Rank: I
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Friendship, trust, the hearth, hospitality, crafts
Domains: Peace, Family, Good, Halfling, Law
Worshipers: Artisans, cooks, guards, halflings, hosts, innkeepers
Pantheon: Halfling
Rank: I
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Nature, agriculture, weather, song, dance, beauty, romantic love
Domains: Air, Charm, Halfling, Plant
Worshipers: Bards, druids, farmers, gardeners, halflings, rangers
Pantheon: Halfling
Rank: D
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Earth, death, protection from the dead
Domains: Earth, Halfling, Law, Protection, Repose
Worshipers: Genealogists, grave differs, halflings
Pantheon: Halfling
Rank: G
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Protection, bounty, halflings, children, security, leadership, wisdom, creation, family, tradition
Domains: Twilight, Family, Good, Halfling, Law, Protection
Worshipers: Children, halflings, leaders, paladins, parents
Pantheon: Halfling
Ranks: Greater[G], Intermediate[I], Lesser[L], Demigod[D]
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