Law & Punishment Fantasy Legal Doctrines
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Law & Punishment

Elvish Community Laws
Traditionally, in most campaign worlds, elvish communities tend to respect nature, and shun the harming of trees. They also respect life, and prefer exile to death. They also value honor and many punishments involve public shaming and ridicule. As such, below are several laws that an elvish community may ask travelers and diplomats to respects.

Elder Tree Laws

Murder (Causing the death of another is not tolerated) - Elves are stripped of ranks and title, and enter into indentured servitude for 100 years. Others are hung by the neck until dead.
Treason (Crimes to undermine or cause harm to the Elvish nation) - Elves are dishonored, forfeit all their posessions and are exiled. Others are hung by the neck until dead.
Bribery (Bribery or attempted bribery of a city official) - 100 gp fine, and are not allowed to trade with the comminity for a year. Repeat offenders: Indentured servitude for 1 year.
Blackmail (Blackmailing or intimidating a city official) - 200 gp fine, and the criminal is tied to an elder tree in the public square for a tenday, so everyone will know their shame. Repeat offenders: Indentured servitude for 1 year.
Arson (The burning of property and goods threatens the entire community) - Branded with the symbol of a burning tree and exiled.
Disturbing the Peace (Public spectacles of shame are looked down upon) - Elves: 50 gp fine and a town crier shouts their name and deeds throughout community for a tenday. Repeat offenders: 100 gp fine. Eventually exile.
Vandalism (Damaging property or livestock) - Indentured servitude to the victim until the damage is repaired/replaced. Possible fine.
Defiling Nature (The defiling or destruction of nature) - Indentured servitude to the community, ensuring the presevation of nature and caring for the forest.
Smuggling (The movement of illegal goods (banned foreign goods, drugs)) - Punishment is dependent on the illicity of the goods. Punishments range from a fine, to being stripped of all trade privileges in the community.
Petty Theft (Taking property belonging to others) - 50 gp fine, and the criminal is tied to an elder tree in the public square for a day, so everyone will know their shame. Repeat offenders: Indentured servitude for a week.
Grand Theft (Theft of high valued property or family relics) - Elves are stripped of all rank and titles, and enter into indentured servitude until the value of the item is paid back. Others are stripped of their possessions and exiled.
Arcane Influence or Harm (The casting of spells to harm or influence others) - Punishment varies, based on the repercussions. Punishments can include a fine, indentured servitude or exile.
If a fine can't be paid, additional time of indentured servitude will be added as punishent.

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